Accessory Review: Xikar Mayan Table Top Light and Xikar VX Metal V Cutter

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Accessory Review: Xikar Mayan Table Top Light and Xikar VX Metal V Cutter

I’ve had several people ask me to do some accessory reviews, especially of items I use regularly. I thought that was a good idea and something that seems neglected by us and many of our other brother and sisters of the leaf reviewers. For the first review, I had to use two of my most used items. The first being the Xikar Table Top light in the Mayan design and the other their VX Metal V cutter.

The Table Top lighter is a staple on my table in my man cave. With a triple flame with a nice large fuel cells, it always gets the job done. It has fully metal case with a large fuel regulator wheel at the bottom for easy flame adjustment. The biggest asset this lighter has for me is the polished top that acts as a mirror when you are lighting a cigar. Its really helped in determining where you need to move the flame and be more precise with it so you don’t over do it. The only draw back for me is that, being fully made of metal, its susceptible to cold weather. When it gets cold, the lighter doesn’t want to ignite every time. When that happens, I just put it in my pocket to warm it up. All in all, a great lighter.

Another well used piece of my cigar smoking kit is my VX Metal V cutter from Xikar. I love a good v cut as it makes a much nicer, cleaner smoking end than a guillotine cut. The biggest gripe on them is that they usually squish the cigar head and mangle it up. Xikar decided to take a different approach and invert the cutting blade. This means the blade is slicing through the head of the cigar instead of pushing a spear point through. It works really well as the cuts are laser fine. I can even cross cut the head of the cigar and from a cross on the head to get more smoke volume out of the cigar and still keep the head of the cigar tidy. I never leave home without it.

There you have it. Two of my most used accessories. Watch the video for more detail and thanks for watching.

6 thoughts on “Accessory Review: Xikar Mayan Table Top Light and Xikar VX Metal V Cutter

  1. Gee wiz, that’s not a cigar review! I truly hope that guy
    who complained about Mike’s review of the e-cigar can spare some of
    his precious personal time to chime in here about how SR is
    supposed to only be for actual cigar reviews only. Then at the end
    of his complaint, type an emphatic all caps PLEASE!

    1. Ok, Jon, that would be me. I have been reading and posting on this site for many years. That was my first negative post….I guess I shouldn’t have posted it since it could offend the guests and bloggers.

      As to the details of your post. I have accepted accessory reviews as part of cigar review sites. I suppose I just don’t believe that any machine rolled cigars are worthy of being reviewed.

      To Mike, the readers and other bloggers on this site, please accept my apologies

  2. Hey Patrick,

    No reason to apologize. We welcome all views here and love constructive feedback whether its positive or negative. If we worried about who we would offend every time we did something, we would never get anything done. Especially that Hewitt character. 🙂

  3. nice review! ive been looking at the v-cutter from them. i recently got a couple of the plastic ones from cbid and was not happy at all. keep up the great work!

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