Cigar Bunching Methods at Drew Estate with Willy Herrera and Nick Melillo

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Cigar Bunching Methods at Drew Estate with Willy Herrera and Nick Melillo

A lot of people know that a cigar is composed of a wrapper, binder and filler, but not many understand how it all comes together.  One of the most critical components in the cigar making processes is the bunching of the filler tobaccos to be rolled with a binder.  At Drew Estate, they used what they refer to as estrujado method or “lazy entubado” and entubado methods.  That is where they form a base of two tobacco leaves before using some of the rest of the filler in the entubado method.  The entubado method is where the filler is rolled into straw like shapes and slightly overlapped when bunched together.  Entubado is the original Cuban method, but it hard to learn correctly and time consuming which is why its not used on a lot of the cigars you are familiar with use this methods.  Willy Herrera joined Drew Estate a couple of years ago and his new Herrera Esteli line is rolled using the entubado method with double binders.  In the video,  you will see both of these methods being demonstrated and explained by Willy Herrera, Maestro Nick Melillo and a roller from Drew Estate.  Enjoy.

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