Puro Vida Cigars is a new cigar company formed in Biloxi, MS by Eddie Rivers. Originally from Danli, Honduras, Eddie moved to Biloxi, MS early on. His family owns a very successful coffee company in Honduras and decided to start Puro Vida because his other passion is cigars. Currently, Puro Vida has three different lines: maduro, habano and connecticut. Each cigar is a Nicaraguan puro, but features different wrappers. I will be reviewing each version, but today I’m reviewing the Connecticut. Eddie approached our local cigar shop owner, Paul Bertucci, about getting together a tasting panel to give him some feedback on some sample blends he had made up at his cigar factory. Paul asked myself, Shawn Pratt from NiceTightAsh.com, the guys from the shop and some shop customers to sit in on a private tasting to provide some feedback. We gave Eddie some recommendations and these blends are the result of that tasting. The connecticut turned out really nice. With flavors of cedar, nuts, cinnamon and a hint of sweet creaminess, it was a hit with me. I think its a nice blend of more traditional connecticuts and the more sweet, creamy connecticuts that I prefer.
If you would like to try some of these, visit either Godfather Cigars in Brandon, MS or The Cigar Shop in Biloxi, MS or give them a call:
Godfather Cigars – (601) 992-5222
The Cigar Shop – (228) 273-3230