At IPCPR 2016, La Palina introduced the Illumation to their extensive line cigars. Considered a “Goldie light” by La Palina, its made at El Titan de Bronze factory in Miami, FL using mostly the same tobaccos as the Goldie. The only difference is they replaced the medio tiempo tobacco with a higher priming ligero leaf. Here are the specs:
- Wrapper: Ecuadorian Habano
- Binder: Ecuadorian
- Filler: Dominican and Nicaraguan
- Size: 5 x 52
- MSRP: $10.35
The cigar is definitely Goldie-like, but with more power. Watch the video for a full description of the flavor profile, but if you like the Goldie line, but wish it had more power, the Illumination is the cigar you are looking for. Check it out at your local brick and mortar stores. Its another quality cigar release from La Palina.