¡Hola mis amigos! If this is your first time to The Stogie Review, welcome! And for all you peeps who’ve been around for awhile, welcome back! Lets burn another cigar to the f’n ground!
After the Tatiana Mocha review, best believe I was going to hit you back with something more my style and speed. This week I have the Illusione ~hl~ from Dion Giolito of Illusione Cigars. I’m sure by now, most of you know the run down of the meaning of his cigars. If not, you can head over to the Illusione website for the story.
Video runs a little longer than usual at around 16:30 minutes. While the Illusion ~hl~ doesn’t win my highest accolade it does earn the Great Torpedo Seal of Approval, just not the Golden one. I know the ~hl~ takes some hits for not being as robust as the other cigars in the Illusione lineup but it wins me over with its ample and complex woodsy, white peppery flavor profile and the sexy lancero size.
Check Out Other Reviews of the Illusione ~hl~:
Barry from acigarsmoker.com rated it a 89 but it falls short compared to other Illusiones
Ricky from cigarcommand.com rated it 4 out 5 stars and had outstanding flavors
Tony from leafandgrape.com rated it a 85 and thought it was fairly basic
Nick from inthehumidor.com got ample amount of flavors and would recommend it
Charlie from nicetightash.com has it as his 2nd favorite cigar from Dion in his video
NOTE: While in the video, I mention TexCigars as having the best pricing, its come to my attention that TexCigars is not an authorized retailer of Illusione cigars.
What is this music? Dio gone Big Band?
LOL…its the Pat Boone version of Holy Diver.
Nice Review Jerry! I’m in Green Bay, WI and these babies are no were to be found, I’d have to go to millwaukee to even think about finding any. So because of that my experince has been limited with th Illusione’s. I have however had the 68 and the Epernay and I have to say the Epernay was fantastic; very cuban-esque in my opinion in fact I think you would enjoy them. That’s all for now. Long bleep’n Ashes! BTW that music was aweful at the beginig LOL!
Great review…always wanted to try an illusione but they’re hard to find in central MO. Not a whole lot of boutique cigars to be had out here. Although i did try the cruzado in a sampler pack i got and loved it…and a little hint of advice….never quit ur day job to be a comedian haha
Great video Torpedo, love Pat Boone Holy Diver, I’ve never heard that before,also love how your getting another catch phrase in “Thats What She Said” I’ve had a few 888’s I liked those a lot, I don’t have a shop even close that sells them and being in college I can’t really afford to buy them online.
Great review,never had an Illusione,can’t get em here in nearby B&M’s,they only cater to what i would call “status brands”.Also,the online situation is grim…a little out of the cigar “budget”.
The only Illusione cigar I have had is the cg4, so I am gonna say that the cg4 is my favorite! I live in So. Cal. and I have not seen any Illusiones in the shops…I bought mine online.
You have to be lucky to get a Lancero which is perfectly constructed. IMO
Great Review. Love the intro music… I want to see 3 reviews with “That what she said”…. classic!!
DIO is better :p
Those Lancero sizes have always given me problems with burn issues, going out, draw problems,etc…but I might have to look for this one and see about giving it a try.
Favorite Illusione would be – no clue 🙂 I only ever have had the mk and I did not care for it very much. It reminded me of a Tempus but without the flavors, just power. I am a wuss, so take that with a grain of salt :p
Nice review, keep em coming!!
Hey loved the review! I’ve heard so much about these cigars I have been waiting for a legit review on em. I picked up an 88 and a hl the other day when I stumbled into a store outta town and they had them in there. I smoked the 88, which I thought was really good. lots of woody and peppery flavors. I havent tried the HL yet though, saving it for this weekend. Keep up the good reviews Thanks!
Thanks for the review! Had to laugh at the jokes, we think alike apparently. Unfortunately have not had a chance to try any of the illusione line so I don’t have a favorite.
Great review. Here in Canada I’m able to access tons of cubans but getting many other cigars are difficult. I tend to buy most of my non cubans in the US. Have smoked the cg4, 888, f9, mk12 and eccj. Love them all. Tried to find a cruzado the last time I was in the US but had no luck. Based on your review I’ll have to try the hl. Love the flavour profile and look forward to smoke many more
Hi Jerry
Its been a vile since i saw your review, so i have a lot off catching up to do. The Illusione is hard to find in Norway so i cant comment on that .The cigar you are smoking looks verry god, and It looks fantastic to sit in the garden in that kind off weather. I am looking forward to enjoy the summer in Norway to.
Great review jerry, love the holy lance, just tried it last week for the first time. I tend to love the 88 as its a nice robusto. My closest shop doesn’t carry ilusione’s at all but luckily i’ve found 3 shops within an hour that carry them.
I’m in st petersburg, FL but i’ve found them at tampa humidor, edwards pipe & tobacco and mjmfinecigars.
Matt M.
Nice review. As you noted, this is my 2nd favorite Illusione, and probably my second favorite lancero as well, after the El Triunfador. Nice work!
I am surprised that so many are having difficulty finding the Illusione stuff. I live just south of Seattle in a cigar no mans land and my usual shop actually carries them. Go figure. My fav. right now is probably the cg4 although that may change if I ever get around to smoking the eccj that bradinbuffalo sent me.
Jerry- Don’t enter me in the contest, give the others a chance! Seriously, I’m just leaving a comment.
I’ve had the Cruzado and 88. I enjoyed both of them but wasn’t “Wowed” by either. That’s not to say I wouldn’t smoke them both again.
I will definitely try the Hl since you gave it a good review. Thanks for the info!
Thanks Jerry! I’ve had one of these in the humidor for a couple months and have been impatiently waiting for a time to try it. Your review has made me want to try it more. Great review.
Hey this is my first time on the site I watch your reviews on Itunes and love them you have been a very good influence on me trying new cigars out. I loved and hated this review. I loved it because I have wanted to try an illusione stick for a while and the way you describe the cigar is the next best thing to smoking one. I hated it because I have only heard great things about the illusione line ever since a friend came by for a smoke and he only had one illusione and it smelled great and he raved about how good it was. So I went to find one at the smoke shop and found that only one local store carried them but was sold out (in rhode island btw) so this was just another person telling me how good they are and still haven’t tried one yet. Great work on the reviews seems like the quality of the video was a lot better.
Hey Jerry,
My top illusione sticks are the ~hl~ and ~cg4~.
I know this may be heresy in the cruz world, but I am leaning toward the ~hl~ over the el triunfador, but then again I haven’t had tjhe elT in awhile and could be changing my mind in the future…
Luckily, I have a great shop here on Long Island that has a healthy illusione selection. Dion has even been in the shop with Pete Johnson, so you know it has to be a good joint!
Keep it up Jer.
ps: what the heck is up with that new seal? Bollocks I tell you, just bollocks! LOL jk
Nice review. I like the 888 but they are hard to find around where I am in South Jersey. I received a sampler from a BOTL.
I really like the cg:4. I live in near Cape Cod Mass and have to drive on Cape to a Tinderbox to get some. My only other option is to drive 60 miles north to Framingham or even more to get toNew Hampshire. Most of my B&Ms don’t carry Illusione and none carry the Cruzado 🙁
Glad you reviewed this 1 Jerry. My fav so far has been the Epernay Robusto, but I did love the HL.
Nice review as always. I enjoy the ~hl~ as well as other lancero/panatelas. Keep up the nice work, ’cause I know how much work goes in to one of these reviews. If you ever find yourself short of any Dion smokes, I got plenty of all.
Great review and funny stuff man! Have yet to try this one vut looking forward to it. Liking the ~hl~ and ~888~ best right now.
Great review and funny stuff man! Have yet to try this one but looking forward to it. Liking the ~hl~ and ~888~ best right now. Luckily one of my local b&m’s has a great selection!
Great review and funny stuff man! Have yet to try this one but looking forward to it. Liking the ~888~ best right now. Luckily one of my local b&m’s has a great selection!
Crap i may have left like 40 comments lol. My phone sucks! Last one is correct.
Haven’t really tried any cigars from illusione, but from your review, it looks like I might have to try some. I really enjoy earthy and peppery flavors when I smoke. I’m from CT, but haven’t seen any around locally unfortunately. Overall nice review!
Nice job Jerry. Only have had the 4/2g as that is all I can find around here (Waldorf Tinder Box). Absolutely love this cigar and would love to try Dion’s other sizes.
Sounds like a good cigar to try. I haven’t been able to fine any illusione cigars here in Portland, OR. But that isn’t surprising considering the limited number of shops here. After listening to your review I’m going to try and pick a 5 pack online, maybe the cruzado.
Great review Jerry. I almost spit coffee when I heard another ‘that’s what she said joke’. Maybe that can become a regular segment. LOL.
Anyway out here is CO we’re lucky to have few places that carry Illusione. I’ve only had the 88, but I loved it. There are few on my list to try starting with the Cruzado, the 68, the hl and the eccj. Guess I have no reason if there’s more than one shop with them. Sounds like I need to get shopping.
Thanks again for the great review.
I know I already commented on the music, but I forgot to end the giveaway. I have only had one Illusione, the 88, and it was pretty tasty.
I live in Atlanta, GA, and they are readily available at a few of my local B&Ms. I am interested to try the HL, but they are a little expensive for me.
Hi Jerry,
Here in The Netherlands it is not possible to buy Illusione cigars…thanks to the Dutch cigar community i’ve been able to get my hands on some though…I’ve smoked only the ~888~ and I really liked it. Construction was great and I thought it was great. Still have the cg:4, 68 and 88 lying in my humidor waitingto be smoked…just need to find the right time!
Keep up the good work!
Loved the review! I’ve tried the ~hl~, ~cg4~ and ~mk~ Illusiones along with the Cruzado Marelas & Domenicos. Current favorites are the ~mk~ and Marelas. There are none that I’ve found locally but there’s a great shop in Philly that I get them from.
Great review Jerry. I am in the Greenville SC area and have never smoked an Illusione or a Lancero size cigar for that matter. The taste profile sounds right up my alley and like you I like less strength in the cigar, more flavor, don’t care for the strong nicotine buzz. I’d love to win that fiver. Here’s hoping.
Love your reviews. I’ve been flirting with the lancero size…a little too long and thin overall but I really like the way the flavor crystalizes with them. The HL is a good smoke-think I prefer the Oliva V lancero to it.
Sometimes thicker is better though! (That’s what she said!)
Nice Review. I still think you need to photoshop a Great Torpedo Gold, Silver & Bronze award for the reviews. I still like the CG4 the best out of the Illusione’s. I also think I prefer the Cruzado over the Illusione. That Rye taste in the Cruzado is fabulous!
Great review–I always check out your “approved” sticks because I have similar tastes, and the HL sounds awesome! illusiones are very hard to come by in the Dayton, OH area–only 1 shop, actually, and the just have 3 sizes (and no Cruzado).
My favorite thus far is the 88–stronger than I usually smoke, but amazing flavors.
Great review Jerry. I haven’t had the HL yet. My favorite so far is the CG4. I’m with you though, I really love the Cruzados more.
The winner picked at random is Will from Portland OR.