Happy New Year! 2009 was an amazing year for me with the birth of my petite corona, for cigars and a record breaking year for Stogie Review! If 2010 is as good as the Casa Fernandez Arsenio then 2010 is shaping up to be even better. The Casa Fernandez Arsenio definitely lays a solid foundation for the year ahead. The Casa Fernandez Arsenio is a Nicaraguan Puro with a Corojo 2006 wrapper and all of its tobacco is Aganorsa leaf. While I don’t know what Aganorsa leaf is (hopefully someone will inform me) I hear its good stuff.
Casa Fernandez Arsenio isn’t named after the famed night show host but for Master Blender Arsenio Ramos who left Cuba and is now doing his own thing in Nicaragua for Paul Palmer and Tabacalera Tropical (same people make the Illusione lines). With its economical price, classic medium to full body transition and a wealth of rich, espresso and peppery flavors, the Casa Fernandez Arsenio is a instant hit.
Contest – Lets kickoff the New Year with a contest. Just leave a comment and tell me what your New Year’s Resolution for 2010 is. Winner of a box of Casa Fernandez Arsenio will be picked at random. Comments must be submitted by January 7, 2010. One entry per person and don’t cheat by entering from multiple email addresses.
I need to loose weight not want to have to about 100 pounds worth.
I resolve….to smoke more cigars! LOL
Speak better Spanish so I can go to Spain and visit my Family.
Try to post a review of at least 2 cigars and 1 smoke shop. Also, to get a bigger humidor.
My family and I are in the process of moving from AZ to WA (smoker unfriendly state). I had to come up 2 months early and have missed my family and smoking buddy dearly. I resolve to make sure my wife and son know how much I appreciate them, every day this new year and that my son and I set aside at least one night every week to enjoy a good cigar and discussion – no interruptions.
to not put up with so much bs from people
Get back into training MMA after a year and 2 month layoff!
To be more patient with others, but more importantly, myself.
To quit hoarding all my good cigars and smoke some already.
to not spend way past my budget on cigars, happen more often than not 😛
I’d love to travel as much as I did in 2009. It was an amazing year for me.
I vow to leave a comment on here that is of some interest and value.
My resolution is to enter more of these contests this year.
My resolution is to spend money less frivolously this coming year.
I plan on going on the Soth Beach Diet.
don’t do it ! Just start lifting weights and eating right. You can do it all on your own. Lift five days a week and eat right.
Keep B&M’s in business. They are the heart & soul of the cigar business
Start exercising regularly. Nice review by the way.
Looks like a good stick! My resolution is to get a job even though the economy sucks!
My resolution is to get onto the ice and catch more fish while smoking cigars with friends.
My New Years 2K10 resolution is to better convince myself that I can smoke more cigars and play more golf while still spending quality time with my family as desired by my wonderful, loving, and (most importantly) understanding wife!!!
Great review man – love the glasses =)
Of course – remove me from the drawing – but my resolution would be to get some bangin bling just like you have – damn, white people shouldn’t say shit like that, just sounds wrong – LOL
My resolution is to relax more and smoke more stogies!
My resolution is to find more time to spend with friends.
Find a better paying job!
I need to drop a few lbs. The wife is prego and she thinks I need to gain the weight with her.
My resolution is to become a better person.
To write more music!
To relax and chill more often.
I plan to smoke more and better cigars this year. Stogie Review will continue to be a great help in this regard, as the reviews help me determine what cigars I will try.
In 2010 I will smoke more cigars than I buy. Yeah sure I will.
Sounds like a good stick! I’d say my New Year’s Resolution for 2k10 would be to get better at time-management so I’m not so stressed out when deadlines come up.
To be a better father and husband each new day, as we prepare for #2 in August ’10! Hope your New Year is blessed Jerry!
My 2010 resolution is all health related – trying to gain 10 pounds of muscle and add over 50 pounds to my bench press…and still enjoy cigars at the same time, haha!
My new years resolution is to lose 35 pounds, learn to play the harmonica, smoke a lot of cigars, and try to be a better person.
I resolve to spend less time working and studying, freeing up more time to spend with my wife and kids (and more time to smoke in the man cave).
I resolve to try to make life sweeter for my family, my friends, people I meet and myself (more cigars!).
I have so many things to do, My New Years resolution is to get my ass in gear and get them done starting with getting my job back although I have no control over any projects we wuold like to see come back. It may be time to look into different fields. Second is to try and cut done on my stress.
I would like to lose weight, but we’ll see.
I resolve to search out better cigars, better whiskey, and more money, then smoke, drink and burn.
I resolve to look for a new job where my efforts may actually be rewarded…
my resolution for 2010 is to modify my resolution as I see fit throughout the year…
That way there is no let down
I resolve to worry less.
My res this year is to kick the wife out of the kitchen and learn how to cook something that isn’t grilled.
BTW — Aganorsa is Eduardo Fernandez’s company, which merged with Tropical at some point and is part of Casa Fernandez. (Agricola Ganadera Nortena S.A. is what it stands for.) It’s basically the farming and leaf processing part of the the operation, which is supposedly the biggest in Nicaragua. DPG, Padilla, Illusione — a lot of the great Nicaraguan cigar makers have used Aganorsa leaf. Great stuff.
quit smoking cigarettes, and smoke more cigars
My res would be to learn more about cigars, loose about 15lbs and keep it off. spend quality time with my family. be a good human
To start my own business and quit my day job.
Get along with my family..
My resolution is to smoke every single cigar that exists. If they’re a blind hermit in the foothills of Cape Verde that rolls a cigar, I want to smoke it.
In 2010, I’m going to LIVE!
I’m traveling to places I love, I’m eating good food, I’m mixing my favorite cocktails, and I’m smoking some great cigars.
I’m just hoping for better year. And get a of my depression/
anxity issue’s.
My resolution is to be the best father I can. With my family split now and my kids not knowing what the future holds, I resolve to be the stability they need.
1. get married
2. ride the road bike more (health)
3. graduate.
not really resolutions… more like plans.
New years resolution is to become more knowledgable in the cigar world. Provide a great liveing for my family and be healty
Exercise more, eat healthier and enjoy more premium cigars.
to smoke all of the cigars in CA’s top 25 this year
Ouch…that hurts Brent. Our lists ain’t good enough? =)
My New Years Resolution(s) will be to: (A) Find a job that i truly love (B) Get in better shape (C) Smoke More Cigars and breathe less air (D) Win a contest…whether it be on Stogie review, Twitter, or Podcast…It’s the first step to a better year….and just for Jerry (E) Smoke a 5 Vegas Miami Knuckle at least once every month.
my resolution is to lose some weight so i can go skydiving again this year, and to try a room 101 cigar that i have heard so much about.
Sacrifice quantity of smokes for quality and value. And, not rush through a single cigar.
First a question, then a resolution…
It seems that we share smoking lounges. I try to avoid smoking cigars with more delicate wrappers, like cameroons, in the winter to try and avoid cracks in the wrapper form forming. What types of cigars do you find most outdoor friendly for cold northeast weather? Do you do anything special like slightly over or under humidifying the cigars before you take them outside?
My New Year’s resolution is to reconnect with some distant friends.
I don’t have a lot of friends that smoke cigars, so this year I resolve to fix that .
My New Years Resolution is to get my cigar blog going, and eat even more mexican food.
My resolution is to thank God everyday for what he has blessed me and my family with. I get too caught up in the stresses of daily life and forget how special the little things in life are.
I had a pretty good year, so I think my resolution is to just keep doing more of the same..
My resolution is to be thankful for what I have.
My resolutuons
1) land a job as a cigar sales rep or in the cigar industry
2) remain as happy as Ive been the last month
3) clean out the effin caddy
4) lose weight
My resolution is to make it more herfs, smoke more cigars, and lose more weight. LOL
my resolution is to do a better job of motivating myself.
I resolve to smoke at least 75% of my must-try list from last year. And get a little less fatter.
Make cigar smoking uber sexy to my lady friends…….
My resolution is to learn as much as I can about cigars and humidors and fill up this 100 capacity humi!
My resolution is to relax more, no matter how many cigars it takes
Nice Review Jerry!
I really think 2010 Casa Fernandez is finally gonna get the recognition they deserve. Anyway, my new year’s resolution in the cigar world is to get better at pairing with cigars. I have never been very good at it but I am sick of drinking waterwith my cigars.
My resolutions are to start working out daily, travel more, and stop saving certain sticks for special occasions that i never think are quite special enough to smoke them so i just end up saving them
My resolution is to smoke at least 5 top shelf Cigars.
I resolve to study my ass off, graduate from law school this March so I can smoke the Padron (which is not available here in the Philippines) Ive been saving for 6 months.
I vow to get a better job… and to hate stuff just a wee bit more than I did in 2009.
My resolution is make a resolution that will not fall by the wayside before January ends.
More fiber, less cheese.
Nice Review Jerry! New Years resolution is to get back on my low carb lifestyle and get down to 250!
Thanks for the contest bro!
To win some cigars as my budget is busted.
Nice review… I resolve to come up with a 2011 New Years resolution that I will actually follow thru with!
My resolution is to hit the gym 3 times a week before work, and to get to the cigar lounge at least once a week. (Hey, gotta make time to slow down and enjoy life!)
To smoke a greater variety of cigars! There seem to be so many great cigars out there at the moment and I want to try them all!
1. To continue educating myself about the cigar industry and build my up cigar collection.
2. Purchase my first starter house before June.
I have made all of the usual resolutions (lose weight, excersise more…) but the one that I truly want to be successful at is being a better ME. I resolve to keep work at work, enjoy every minute that I get with my wife and kids and make every effort to reduce stress in my life. Part of that is truly taking the time to enjoy my “cigar time”. Concentrate on those relaxing minutes when it’s just me and my favorite stick sitting on the deck. It’s probably the best stress reliever (…ok… second best stress reliever).
I wish all a happy New Year.
To finish my MBA and to go to the gym as much as I tell people I do!
Lmfao…I opened the link to watch your vid and was like ‘DAYUM! 85 comments???’
…and then I saw there was a contest…
Not trying to piss people off, but if you (not all…but 85 comments on a video is about 75 more than normal…) only come here to try and win things…I don’t even know. It just upsets me a bit. If you lurk, that’s fine…but make yourself known! The forums would be glad to see you join.
Anyway, angry rant aside (maybe my resolution should be to be nicer…hahaha!), nice job as always, Jerry. This sounds like it might be right up my alley, so I’ll have to pick some up when I see some/when I’m not broke.
lose some lbs……and continue with my schooling.
Hope evryone has a great 2010
I just saw these in the store the other day and skipped over them because I didn’t have room in the travel humidor. I am going to have to head back to the shop to pick a few up.
I resolve to smoke often enough that my humidor stops overflowing from my incessant purchacing habits.
My resolution, buy a new humidor and throw away the humi bags I have everywhere holding my collection together. Besides that though I really enjoyed the Arsenio, smoked it about 1 or 2 months ago and loved it, one of the best cigars I had this past year.
To study harder and bring that GPA up.
Also, to try a wider variety of cigars and hopefully try writing a couple reviews for you guys at stogie review.
For 2010 I resolve to smoke my “special occasion” cigars instead of looking at them age in my humidor. That means my “go to” smokes will have to take a back seat.
New Year’s resolution: to follow thru on LAST year’s resolutions!
But seriously: drink less, smoke more…
I resolve to smoke more of Stogie Review’s recommended smokes.
To smoke some good cigars and to get a larger humidor to store a larger sampling
Lose 10 pounds and save $10,000 dollars.
Nice review! I resolve to lose a little weight, pay off my credit card & smoke more stogies!
To be a better Dad to my three year old. Spent some time with my folks and realized I had a few of the negative tendencies of my father…. Ouch….. Got to work on my patience and communications with him and my wife….
My New Years goal is lose 20 pounds through dieting and snow ski at least twice this year. Means getting in shape 🙂
I resolve to trade or bomb someone, and to get more involved with cigars in general.
Great review once again Jerry.
One resolution of mine for 2010 is to smoke more of my top shelf sticks that I continue to save but never seem to find a reason to smoke…. and like most of the world it seems to lose some weight
work out more and eat healthy.
My new year resolution is to try to get along with annoying folks from my job. To try to make my job less stressful and a better place to work. Wish me luck. *crossing fingers*
To grow a beard worthy of Castro himself!
HI Jerry… I work for an ambulance company taking care of sick and dying people all week….. I have Ben with the same company for over 3 years and work pretty hard…. over those years I have neglected some of my own ailments and injuries in order to help others…. so my new years resolution is to not only continue to help others but also to take care of myself this year as well…. and continue to enjoy premium Cigars every step of the way…. Thank you! Doug
My resolution is to smoke every new release of 2010.
Great contest! Happy New Year!
I resolve to expore a wider range of non-cuban cigars.
My resolution for 2010 is to complete atleast 4 tabacco/cigar themed paintings.And create a tobacco media watercolor by using saved cigar nubs and soaking them in water.Just an idea I’ve been playing with.
I’ve resolved to spend more time with the family and less with the blackberry…
My New Year’s resolution is to do what I did in 2009 much better.
My resolution was to be more tolerant of stuff. (I’ve broken it already.)
I had thought i had posted my resolution already.It apparently didn’t make it.My resolution is to finish atleast 4 tobacco/cigar themed paintings.And follow up on my idea of creating watercolor media with cigar nubs.And to smoke,smoke,smoke…….
My resolution is to:
1) Get another humidor ‘El Diablo’ 2) Visit Mexico in next couple months to smoke some cubans & bring some back 3) Continue get better at snowboarding 4) Finish baby-room project (#1 on the way) 5) Be Great Father 6) Be Great Husband 7) Be Good Person …. work on prioritizing things better 🙂 Review 1-7 LOL !
My resolution for this new year is to expand my collection of cigars beyond what I have now and try at least one of each cigar by the end of this year. Also a cabinet humidor in the works is also a great resolution
Thank you for all your entries and for sharing your 2010 New Years Resolutions with us.
The winner of the box is -> HabanoHam
Good pick … and yes, I think we all agree with HabanoHam’s comment about smoking and not waiting for that special occasion.
first quarter almost over and the arsenio is still hold strong as my favorite cigar so far this year.
what a smoke. and for $5 a single? shiiiit!!!