CAO La Traviata – Ninfa

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CAO La Traviata – Ninfa

La Traviata Ninfa - main.jpg

Today I have for you a quick peek at a quick smoke, the CAO La Traviata Ninfa. These cigars come in a tin of 5 and locally retail for the same amount as the other tins from CAO, $15. I will admit, I was a little surprised at that since the La Traviata blows a lot of sticks out of the water with the price point and quality, I thought these little guys might be priced a buck or two cheaper to keep the trend going.

Flavors in this CAO La Traviata Ninfa seem to be more “in your face” and I attribute that to the smaller size. I got more spice up front than the bigger sizes and almost a concentrated woody flavor as the main notes. I also got a little bit of a caramel taste here and there that did linger on the palette for a bit, very nice.

This would be a great smoke if you want to have a really good cigar over a lunch break or even a short ride in the car. Everyone knows I am a mild-medium smoker and this fits in the medium-high medium range for me. I really think you should give these a try if you liked the bigger sizes. I do not think you will be disappointed.

As you have seen in the video, this was a super short look at a cigar that wowed almost everyone I talked to. I did not take anything away from the cigar as this is a half hour smoke, maybe forty five minutes if you smoke slow.

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I am just me.

6 thoughts on “CAO La Traviata – Ninfa

  1. I call this one the “Short Lancero” because the ring gauge is right…it’s just short! Absolutely love these little puppies. If I had the money, I’d buy a case of these so I’d have them for a good long time (in case the new owners screw it up!). Fantastic flavor in a small package.

    1. I was going by my local store’s pricing which is the same across the tins. I think there may have been one tin that was $16 but the rest were $15.

  2. Good review, Mike! This packs all the flavor as their older brothers but in a format that can be easily enjoyed if tight on time. Just finished my first tin and will definitely get more.

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