Emilio AF Suave pre-release (first impressions)

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Emilio AF Suave pre-release (first impressions)

Emilio AF Suave

I’ve been smoking a lot of Connecticut-wrapped cigars lately, which is rather unusual for me. I typically pass-up these milder smokes for something with a bit more punch. However, I’ve found myself with time to smoker earlier in the day than usual, so I’ve reached for a few of these creamier, milder cigars so as not to ruin my palate for stronger smokes later that same day.

One such cigar happened to be a pre-release sample of the new Emilio Cigars AF Suave, which was gifted to me a while back by Gary Griffith. The third cigar manufactured by AJ Fernandez for Emilio, it was originally designated as the AF3 before being renamed the AF Suave. Scheduled to hit the market in April, I was fortunate to get a sneak preview of Gary’s latest line.

Emilio AF Suave by the numbers:
Vitola: toro
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Binder & Filler: “a blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran tobaccos”
Strength: Mild-Medium
Factory: AJ Fernandez in Esteli, Nicaragua
No. smoked for review: 1 (first impressions)
Duration: 75 minutes
Source: pre-release sample (April 2012 release)
Website: www.emiliocigars.com
Twitter: @EmilioCigar

So just how smooth is the AF Suave? Watch and find out…

(Video length: 11:48)

Soundtrack: “East Sussex” by morgantj (courtesy of ccMixter.org)

In a recent blog post, Gary explained that his intended purpose behind the AF Suave was to “fill a niche [… for] those who simply prefer a milder, creamier smoke, and as a light but flavorful ‘morning smoke.'” If that describes you, I have no doubt that you’ll like this cigar. While I wouldn’t recommend it after a huge steak dinner and paired with a peaty Islay malt, it would be a great way to start the day enjoyed with your morning coffee.

About Charlie:
Charlie has been enjoying cigars since 2000 and generally prefers a medium-bodied, full-flavored smoke. A USAF vet, he currently works as a data scientist focusing on natural language processing and is pursuing a PhD in computer science in his spare time. Originally from Connecticut and now residing in Northern Virginia, Charlie is also a fan of football, science fiction, political philosophy, and single malt scotch. You can contact Charlie on Twitter @greenbacker.

Charlie has been enjoying cigars since 2000 and generally prefers a medium-bodied, full-flavored smoke. A USAF vet, he currently works as a data scientist focusing on natural language processing and is pursuing a PhD in computer science in his spare time. Originally from Connecticut and now residing in Northern Virginia, Charlie is also a fan of football, science fiction, political philosophy, and single malt scotch. You can contact Charlie on Twitter @greenbacker.

9 thoughts on “Emilio AF Suave pre-release (first impressions)

  1. Hey Charlie Congrats on your new home they are always fun. I’m a big fan of Gary’s and I always try and pick up his sticks when I’m down in Del. I can’t wait to give this one a try.

  2. Hey Charlie…I really enjoy your reviews..Keep em coming…Congrats on your new home…Next time, get some video of your dog running around…That would be cool…I haven’t yet tried any of Gary’s cigars, but I really look forward to giving them a shot very soon..

  3. Hey Charlie,
    Good review. So it looks like a disc golf frisbee for your dog. Is it? If so do you play? Love the review man keep it up.

    1. Yes, that was a frisbee golf disc, but no, I don’t play. It’s a perfect frisbee for a dog: flies forever with just a flick of the wrist, is durable, and has a little give in case you hit him in the head with it by accident.

  4. Another great review Charlie. Hope everything is going well with the move and the new job. I really enjoyed the AF1 and AF2. Can’t wait to try this one when it comes out.

  5. Every one of the Emilio line of cigars that I have smoked are excellent. I’m looking forward to trying the AF Suave.

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