Tatuaje Pudgy Monsters Wolf

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Tatuaje Pudgy Monsters Wolf

Pudgy Frank 001 (600x400)

Source : Gifted from Todd and Rick

Continuing the Pudgy series this week with the Tatuaje Pudgy Monsters Wolf from the Pudgy set Pete released. This set was a gift from Todd and Rick.


This weeks Tatuaje Pudgy Monsters Wolf starts off with a very sharp citrusy spice that hangs on the tongue long after the smoke is expelled. Base woody notes are there but very laid back compared to the spice. Hard to get a good volume of smoke at the beginning but that sill probably change once we hit the full wrapper area. Medium at this point. After about an inch and a half the ash looked like a wolf’s foot and the sharp spice settled down and let a roasted nut and orange peel taste come through. Taste has stayed the same through the halfway point with maybe a tiny reduction in strength. Ash is still flaky. Burn has not needed any corrections so far. At the end of this Tatuaje Pudgy Monsters Wolf and the orange peel taste is still present along with the roasted nut. The orange peel has a bit more bite to it now. There is a tiny bit of a sweet coffee note coming through but not much. Medium all around for this stick.


Would I buy it again? Yes. I really enjoyed this one even more than the original size for some reason. I am now looking forward to the rest again.


I am just me.

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