Blending Seminar from Jason Holly of Viva Republica

HD Videos3 Comments on Blending Seminar from Jason Holly of Viva Republica

Blending Seminar from Jason Holly of Viva Republica

Viva Republica Blending Seminar 004 (600x525)

Hello my friends, this week I am finally able to get this video uploaded of Jason Holly of Viva Republica who was nice enough to come to Genuine Tobacco and do a blending seminar for all of us. This was a great event and I got to involved with the video rather than pictures or you could see how crowded it was. I will direct you to – Lancaster Cigar Vice Crew on Meetup – for more photos and if you are in the area you can sign up and hang out with us crazy people.

I stopped and started the video do to the file sizes and (if I am thinking correctly) the 2GB size limit per file on the flash card and my camcorder just stops at that point so I figured it would be better to do segments. I really would have loved to record everything as it was very informational and fun, even in between Jason explaining everything to us.

Let me know if you enjoy these types of videos in the comments and maybe the Lancaster Cigar Vice Crew can set some more up in this area.

I am just me.

3 thoughts on “Blending Seminar from Jason Holly of Viva Republica

  1. Thanks for the seminar viewing. Been to one before and this was like being there all over again.had a lot of fun watching it and learning.

  2. Mike,

    If this is the way the blenders determine what blend to use, how do they take into account any flavor produced by the wrapper they use on the sample stick? Do they just use the type of wrapper they are planning to use on the final product?

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