The Cohiba Royale was released this week nationwide as Cohiba’s fullest bodied cigar to date. Another milestone that the Royale sets for Cohiba is that this is the first cigar line to be made in Honduras for Cohiba. The Royale uses tobaccos from Nicaragua, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic. All the tobaccos used in the Royale have been aged for five to six years.
- Wrapper: Sun Grown Nicaraguan Broadleaf
- Binder: Dominican Piloto Cubano
- Filler: Honduran Jamastran, Nicaraguan from Jalapa and Esteli
- MSRP: $28.99 sold in boxes of 5 and 10
- Factory: HATSA in Danili, Honduras
The Cohiba Royale and a dark, oily wrapper that has a rich, deep brown color. The cigar looks very well made with a well applied cap. The band mimics a silver-toned carbon fiber with deep red accents that looks quite nice. After clipping the cap, I tested the draw which was a perfect “milkshake” draw with notes of hay, earth, and cocoa powder.
First Half
The Cohiba Royale starts off quite tasty with notes of black pepper, cedar, cocoa, and leather. I get a hint of black cherry underneath the other notes that is quite a nice accent. I get more black pepper on the retrohale with a hint of nutiness. The cigar does have a little sourness as well, but it’s not too bad, not enough to be distracting. The cigar is full bodied and full flavored.
Last Half
The Cohiba Royale on the last half I get notes of leather, cocoa, cedar, espresso, and the hint of black cherry is still there. I know that’s the same notes as the first half, but the difference is the dominance of the notes. I get a stronger leather and cedar note than on the first half. The sourness has died down quite a bit. The cigar is still full bodied and full flavored.
The Cohiba Royale is definitely different from most of the rest of the lines in Cohiba. The closest Cohiba I can compare it too would be the Macassar, so if you like that one, you should like this on. The Macassar is my favorite Cohiba so this one is pretty good to me. The rich notes of leather, cedar, cocoa, and spices was quite nice with the full body of the cigar is perfect for cigar smokers who like full cigars. Traditional Cohiba smokers might not warm up to it as it’s a lot different from the original Red Dot line. I think they would age really well too, so it would be worth putting some up to age. All in all, it’s a nice addition to the Cohiba line.
Looking forward to trying the Royals.