Virtual Herf

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Virtual Herf

Well I should have my camera setup on Sunday. I even figured out how to use my camcorder with ustream instead of my crappy webcam. This should actually help me get on track to recording on the weekends and not trying to find time to squeeze in a review during the week.

I received a lot of great feedback on the dry run I did using ustream to broadcast my live review of the Rocky Patel Fusion. Tipton is the programming expert but I’m going to borrow his lingo and say that it’s time to move this experiment out of the Alpha stage and into a open Beta program.

So mark your calendars for Sunday, September 16th at 6:30pm ET for Episode 1 of The Stogie Review Virtual Herf. I’ll be smoking and reviewing the Carlos Torano Reserva Selecta (Maduro) during this Virtual Herf.

Regardless of whether you want to smoke the same cigar or something different, I plan on taking your calls to either discuss the Carlos Torano Reserva Selecta (Maduro) or anything else that is on your mind. If Cal is in the house maybe he can answer any kind of hypnosis questions.

In order to take your calls and have a moderated atmosphere will require me to use (to stream the show) and (requires registration and is similar to Skype but more features to moderate a live chat). The great thing about Talk Shoe is that you can use a standard land line to call in (using the number they assign to the show) or place the call from Skype/VoIP client or you can use the Talk Shoe client.

So you can watch/text chat the broadcast using the embedded player over at Stogie Review LIVE and you can call in using the Talk Shoe information posted on the new gadget on the left sidebar. Remember that this is just a Beta broadcast so I make no promises on how smooth things will be but I suspect it will be a lot of fun if we can get a dozen or so people to call in.

Also, by joining the chat room or calling in you are agreeing to allow us (The Stogie Review) to broadcast and record your comments. If you don’t want me reading your chat comments out loud or don’t want your voice on the internet, then this probably isn’t for you.

Comments and more importantly, questions?

3 thoughts on “Virtual Herf

  1. This is a great Idea. I would have liked to have had the opportunity to have picked up a matching stick at the B&M near work. Nut alas it’s too late for that and at 100 miles round trip it’s out of the question for Sunday. Please give us more lead time next time Jerry.

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