Thank You

Personal4 Comments on Thank You

Thank You

All –

I want to thank everyone for their kind words of support and for your continued prayers. Michelle and I are doing well and funeral arrangements have been made. With all the plans and all the family and friends visiting its been hard for us to grasp everything that has happenend. It all feels like a dream…

I’ve received so many personal e-mails and its a great feeling to know that so many of you out there consider me friend. I can never thank you all enough for your support.

The funeral and burial for JJ is scheduled for 11am on Tuesday, November 6th at the historic chapel of Saint Rose of Lima Catholic Church. JJ will also be buried in the church’s cementary.

On behalf of Michelle and I, thank you again for your continued prayers and words of encouragement. This is a time of sorrow , but the memories of our little robusto will always make our hearts smile.

4 thoughts on “Thank You

  1. Jerry, I wish I could be there just to give you and your wife a hug. Funny, I haven’t met you yet in person, but I feel like I’ve know you for a long time. I can’t think of anything else to say other than I am thinking of you and your wife and JJ. Stay strong brother, we’re all with you!


  2. Jerry, my family’s thoughts and prayers got out to you and Michelle. I could never imagine going through this. Keep your strength knowing that God is leading you through this path for a reason and that you have many friends that you can lean on in your time of need.


  3. Jerry, you and Michelle and your families are in our prayers. We pray that God will comfort and strengthen you at this hard time. It is His promise of eternal life that bears us up in the midst of such sorrow and separation. Bless you both.

  4. Jerry, I haven’t met you either but at the same time I am saddened to hear the news. I know how much you were looking forward to JJ’s birth and I could see how happy he made you. I want to extend my condolences to you and Michelle and let you know that my prayers are with you Michelle and JJ.

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