This week I bring you a cigar that I’ve had in my humidor for about 7 months. When I first smoked the Habana Reserve it was very inconsistent and I really couldn’t decide whether I liked it or not. Fast forward 7 months and without question, this is a solid cigar.
With these square pressed size you need to babysit and correct the erratic burn and watch out for loose ash. The babysitting and dodging ash pays offs when all is said and done. The flavors of the Habana Reserve are diverse and intense.
Video runs 17:06 and I experimented with some new lighting that I hope is an improvement:
Cigar Facts:
Vitola: Belicoso
Length: 6.125
Ring Gauge: 52
Wrapper: Nicaragua
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua/Honduran
Country of Origin: Honduras
Price: $94.95
Liked It: Yes – love the flavors
Buy It Again: Yes – needs time in the humidor
Recommend It: Yes – great for intermediate smokers
Great review Jerry!
I love the part you added to the vids about what type of cigar smoker would potentially enjoy each cigar. Don’t know why, just do.
Lighting looks good! Initially I was slighty surprised at the look of the vid, but once I got into it, I think I liked it.
Good Work.
Funky fresh as always.
Lighting looks good, so keep that going.
I’ve never watched a Jerry review that I didn’t enjoy thoroughly.
Jerry this is probably THE best cigar review you’ve done. Lots of insight about the cigar and info on square pressed cigars. You struck the perfect balance between cigar info and cigar entertainment.
Great job!
Great review Jerry! This cigar has been on my list of “Must Buy a Box Soon” Cigars. I just seem to keep picking up singles though. I reviewed the Habana Reserve a few months ago.
JERRY! Awesome review…love the video quality. Lighting was pretty cool…I think its a more natural lighting whereas your previous videos kind of had a warmer feel.
And the images! WOW! Your wife can take some good pics and its great how you work them into your video.
Again, I love the review and I’m going to have to track down some of these.
Stogie Review pumping out the content! Lots of new stuff to watch this Monday morning.
Jerry your videos keep getting better and better quality wise. Your new lighting has promise, I think it needs some adjustment so the lights are pointing directly on you but lighting around you. There is a good book on lighting, I’ll shoot you an e-mail with a link.
But yeah, I really enjoyed this review. Very information. Where is that guy now who said your reviews are lacking content? Idiot! Great job Jerry!
Hi Jerry,
First of all I would like to compliment the nice buttoned down collared shirt you are wearing for this review. I think it’s a nicer look than just throwing on a t-shirt. I also love your personality and your detailed reviews. Also, I think you, Walt and the rest of the guys are doing a fantastic job with your videos. Keep up the good work!
Jerry what is the lighting that you are using? I bought some lights, but they are too hot.
Thanks everyone for your kind comments! Its always great to start the week off with so much comment love.
Lisa – Yeah I figured I should start actually wearing clothes in my videos. White t-shirt and a dark background seem so plain and not very exciting. Plus I can start to show off my style!
Justin & Scott – For lighting I picked up this kit:
Probably the cheapest “professional” kit I could find. The material they are made out of seem pretty cheap and you’re on your own with directions on how to assemble but they do work and they are cool to the touch. Scott I think you’re right. I need to play around with how I angel the lighting instead of having the focused directly at me.
Another great review my friend. I just picked up a four pack the other day and smoked one of them on Saturday. This is a good smoke and I agree with you 100% that just about anyone will love this one regardless of your a new smoker or a veteran.
Jerry the box I bought which contained four is a promotional box, which sends a box to the soldiers in Iraq when you buy a box. I found this at my cigar dealer in Rhode Island. This is a great thing to do and I applaud Romeo y Julieta for doing this. I wish it were the same deal with buying a box. I think it is the least we can do for our boys over seas giving a 100% back to us.
Anyway – as always “Never smoke a shitty cigar life is too short.”
great review! i need to try these smokes, they sound real good. the light is also good. your a superstar man!
thanks for the shout out =D
Awesome review. The sound was good, video quality good, and the lighting is improved. Looks like you are really back in to the swing of things. I knew this would happen 😉
Loved the video, they have been getting better and better every week since your return.
The lights look great, something else I now need to add to my wish list.
In regards to the video for YQMA, it wasn’t much of a problem. The 2.5 GB download was a headache but once we figured out what was wrong everything fell into place 🙂
Great review Jerry! I was hoping for a RyJ review soon. As with the lighting, looks good, but possibly too bright on your face. But I’m not sure, my screen is usually pretty dim (old CRT) compared to LCDs, so it may be even brighter on LCDs.
Good review! Always informative… and if you ever make it down to San Diego… let’s herf!
Ryan C – SD is on my list of places to go. I always love watching the Padres play in their beautiful park. Looks like such a cool ballpark on TV.
Hi Jerry, this is your Twitter friend out here in Tustin, California (in the OC as they say). The lighting and the video looks really great. I’ve got to get some better lighting for my hypnosis podcast at http://www.CalBanyan.com. You guys are real leaders in video podcasting, and you have inspired me a lot.
Great cigar review, by the way. I really like the belicoso shaped cigars, but tend to shy away from the box pressed smokes myself, for all the reasons you mentioned in your show.
Thanks a lot for the reviews. Keep them coming.
One last thing, I really liked the most recent YQMA episode. I it is really great to see everyone talking cigars!
@calbanyan on Twitter. 🙂
Jerry I’ve been a long time visitor to the site but this is my first comment. I want to say that I think your reviews are the best! You have an ability to provide enough cigar info without being too technical. Combine that with your easy going, relaxed nature provides the perfect balance to make each and every review so much fun to watch.
I hope life is getting a little better for you and your wife after the tragedy involving your son but I thought you’d like to know that you have brought a lot of happiness to a lot of us here by your reviews.
Jerry! Awesome review and thank you so much for recommending these. I bought some (different size) for a few clients and they absolutely loved them! I also told them about your site and about this review so I hope they stop by and leave a comment.
Maybe after we take of business when I visit DC in a few weeks we can go grab a smoke.
Jerry, enjoyed the review alot! I must know the name of the music you use in the opening and where I can get it. Sounds like great cigar music.
I’m not a big fan of the Dominican RyJ but like you said, these have a little extra to them so I tried one of these based on your review of them and your review was 100% right on.
I think if you could make a pretty penny or two if you were to market your reviews…
And thank you to Joel for supporting the troops. I did a stint in Afghanistan and I tell you what, I hope people don’t forget that we have troops there too and not just in Iraq.
Rich – Thanks for leaving your first comment! I hope its your first of many. And you’re too kind to me. I don’t do anything special in my videos. Walt truly is the master of Stogie Review…I’m just along for the ride.
Jamie – Glad the recommendation paid off. And if you can swing it to pay for our cigars on your corporate card then my participation is at you disposal.
Rob – Andrews AFB (from your e-mail addy)? My dad’s a retired Chief from the Air Force and I practically grew up on/around Andrews. My parents still live like 10 minutes outside what use to be the Pearl Harbor Gate. Anyway, you know, about the music, I think thats the most popular question I get asked. The song is available on iTunes and its called:
Oui Parle Francais by Compay Segundo
They have some other good songs with an Afro-Cuban beat to it that I enjoy listening to when I’m smoking.
Jerry it was great to meet you today at JR Cigar…I just watched your review and read all the comments here and I’m glad that you were at JR’s to help me pick out cigars for our Kentucky Derby party.
If anyone at the party enjoys this cigar or any of the cigars you helped me pick, I will definitely point them here.
Remember, its an open invitation for the Derby party , just give me a call on my cell.
Excellent review Jerry. My “cigars to try” list just keeps getting bigger and you are not helping it. LOL. I liked the lights by the way.
Awesome review! Lighting looked great. I’ve seen these in my B&M but never been a fan of RyJ in the past but these always looked tasty. I’ll be sure to pick some of these up.
Does Stogie Review have a preferred reseller? I’d like to support someone who support SR. Thanks and I can’t wait for your next review.
you can get a box of these babies, churchill size, at atlantic cigar company for 80 bones. can’t beat that!!!
seems like a buunch of smoke