Oliva Serie O Maduro (Twitter Review)

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Oliva Serie O Maduro (Twitter Review)

Oliva Serie O Maduro - Robusto

Believe it or not, here it is, time for another Stogie Review Tweet-View, and I’m sick once again. Unlike last month when I was laid up in bed, this time I seem to have come down with allergies, or the like, and found myself completely congested. Not wanting to bail out of a second Twitter Review in such a close time-frame, I gritted it out and smoked along with the guys.

Due to my congestion, I was unable to taste any flavor in my cigar and simply reported on the burning characteristics and construction of our selected cigar. I relied on Bud, Mike and Tony to carry this review, in the flavor department, and they did a great job as expected.

The cigar of the afternoon was the Oliva Serie O Maduro Robusto. Participants included myself (waltw), Bud (BudPA), Mike (KnightRid), and Tony (tonycasas). I’d like to thank you guys for joining me once again for another review and hope to see you again in another two weeks. Only next time, I hope to be able to taste the cigar we review.

Stogie Review Tweet-View

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Pre Light

waltw: My cigar has alot of color variation, especially at veins. All veins are light in color while everything else much darker #SRTV

KnightRid: Mine also has color variations throughout. Has a slight barnyard odor on the wrapper and slightly chocolatey at the foot #SRTV

tonycasas: Mine is actually pretty consistent in color with only slight variations close to the overlapping of the wrapper. #SRTV

BudPA: @waltw mine has the same discolorations very rough looking and soft up towards the cap #SRTV

tonycasas: My cigar isn’t too veiny but has lots of the white dots (technical term?) from proper aging. Nice, pointed, triple cap. #SRTV

tonycasas: The cigar is VERY firm to the touch, no soft spots at all, just a very small patch just under the head of the band. #SRTV

KnightRid: I am going to be trying a v-cut on this one today – and I have never smoked any of these maduros before this one #SRTV

tonycasas: @KnightRid @waltw I’m on the same boat with Mike, never had the Maduro until now #SRTV

waltw: The draw on mine is about average, little resistance to it. Can’t taste anything so nothing to report on the cold-draw flavor-wise #SRTV

BudPA: using my punch draw seems fine #SRTV

First Third

BudPA: toasting went well nice even lite. Getting some cocoa flavor and a somewhat creamy finish #SRTV

KnightRid: first few puffs I am getting a bittersweet chocolate taste, but not very strong #SRTV

tonycasas: Had a heck of a time getting mine lit, the draw was really tight at first but it beginning to open up now. #SRTV

waltw: My cigar is lit and burning well from the start. Smoke volume seems about average, as is the resting smoke. #SRTV

tonycasas: Pulling mostly cocoa ranged flavors with a small dash of pepper almost too soft to pick up. Great soft tobacco aftertaste #SRTV

KnightRid: getting that creamy sensation in my mouth, like it is coating everything – very nice #SRTV

BudPA: getting just the hint of spice in the finish very nice #SRTV

waltw: My burn line is a little wavy and thick in spots. Nothing too problematic but then again nothing to write home about either. #SRTV

BudPA: not getting a lot of distinctive flavors so far everything is kind of subtle #SRTV

tonycasas: The spice is still present, if not more so distinct. I agree with @BudPA, not a lot of distinct flavors. Mostly cocoa, tobacco #SRTV

KnightRid: nice creamy cocoa taste with a bit of spice through the retrohale – a pretty mild tasting cigar so far – I am a bit surprised #SRTV

Second Third

BudPA: soft spot near the cap is getting larger almost feels like a void #SRTV

KnightRid: getting a longer finish on mine also now, to me it tastes like the semi-sweet morsels #SRTV

tonycasas: Still no ashing, first third was very smooth, no feeling of nicotine. Cocoa, with spice that came and went, and very spicy right now. #SRTV

waltw: Cigar is providing plenty of dense smoke. Feel creamy across the palate but my congestion is leaving it completely tasteless. #SRTV

BudPA: spice starting to pick up in the second third #SRTV

waltw: I’m getting a bit of spiciness/aggressiveness in the back of my throat. My cigar is about half-way finished at this point. #SRTV

BudPA: I’m really enjoying this smoke even though the flavors are very subtle #SRTV

tonycasas: @waltw Im getting the same thing its been a constant battle of coating/scratching of the throat with this cigar. maybe if I wasnt sick #SRTV

BudPA: @waltw not getting anything it my throat all spice is on the front half of my tongue #SRTV

KnightRid: @waltw @tonycasas I have none of the aggressiveness you guys are getting, mine is still spicey wiht the cocolatey forefront #SRTV

Final Third

KnightRid: cigar is like eating those Nestle tollhouse semi-sweet morsels while mom baked chocolate chip cookies! #SRTV

BudPA: burn line getting way off. Opposite from the soft spot which is getting rather large #SRTV

KnightRid: body has picked up a bit – definite medium now for me #SRTV

KnightRid: I have to say THANX to @waltw for picking this cigar! I probably would not have tried the maduro on my own! #SRTV

BudPA: touched up and the burn is still pulling up the firmer side of the stick #SRTV

waltw: Time has come to pop the band off on my cigar. Removing it was effortless, love that quality in a cigar. #SRTV

waltw: Where the bank was, there is a big soft spot. Without much effort I can easily get about a 1/4″ of deflection when pinching. #SRTV

KnightRid: woody taste has picked up quite a bit in this final third and chocolate has gone more towards the back #SRTV

tonycasas: The cigar has really gained some body closer to the nub. Still very smooth and creamy. Spice is non-existent #SRTV

waltw: The soft spot in my cigar doesnt seemed to have caused any issues. Im burning into that section now and burn remains even. #SRTV

Final Thoughts

waltw: Since I can’t taste this cigar, overall I think it was solid in terms of burn rate, evenness, smoke volume, and smoke temperature. #SRTV

KnightRid: @waltw oh yes, everything you said! just a plain GREAT cigar in those areas! #SRTV

KnightRid: to sum the cigar up in one word, I would say – satisfying ! #SRTV

tonycasas: Throwing in the towel. Final thoughts. Great construction and perfect burn. Very smooth smoke perfect for anyday. Medium Bodied.. #SRTV

tonycasas: Flavor profile consisted of dominant chocolate and wood, with hints of spice. All in all VERY enjoyable #SRTV

KnightRid: gonna give mine up at about the 1/2 inch mark – SUPERB smoke! cocoa was the dominant flavor up front with a creamy texture and spice #SRTV

KnightRid: in the back. Cigar progressed to a more woody note towards the end. PERFECT burn, just PERFECT! #SRTV

KnightRid: I will easily be buying some more of these, they are just too good for the price (around $6) not to! #SRTV

BudPA: @KnightRid I agree even with the minor burn issue it was still a great smoke really enjoyed it #SRTV

KnightRid: body started milder and progressed to medium at about halfway, but never became overpowering or flavorless #SRTV

enjoying cigars since 2005

5 thoughts on “Oliva Serie O Maduro (Twitter Review)

  1. Damn that Mike guy is good – wonder he would follow me back if I hit him up on Twitter. Probably not *sigh*


    Was fun as usual – it is neat to see if people are getting the same flavors or different from the same smoke – I really enjoy being part of it and am looking forward to the next one!!


  2. Good review.
    This is one of my favorites. The cigar also ages extremely well – I’m slowly working my way through a box I bought in December 2007 and the flavour profile changes month to month revealing more and more fruit/grass like flavors which were not noticeable at all during the first year. Very enjoyable cigar and totally different from its natural brethren.

  3. Great review. I love that there are four of you reviewing this together (well, since Walt was congested, we’ll say 3 1/2 ^_^). I’m smoking one now and this is my first Serie O. I also found it a great smoke and definitely noticed the cacao throughout along with the peppery spiciness. I’m pairing mine with an Aberlour 10 year old single malt and find its rich, sherry notes complimenting this cigar perfectly. I had a perfect draw and didn’t need a single re-light (although I did have a few uneven burns in the first third that needed little touch ups).
    I’ll also echo KnightRid’s sentiment that this is a great smoke for the price! Will definitely be picking up some more!

  4. Enjoyed the opinions. This is a solid medium with, as mentioned, creamy chocolately notes throughout. The burn was spot-on and nubbed it. Everything came together nicely and will repeat on this one especially at the reasonable price point.

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