Fan Forums Upgraded

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Fan Forums Upgraded

Back in August 2007 we opened the doors to the Stogie Review Fan Forums. Now, I’m not going to make any outlandish claims like a certain forum conglomerate does but over the past two and half years its grown into an impressive community both in quantity and quality. Its definitely exceeded any expectations we had and unlike that conglomerate, I’m proud that we were able to build our community from the ground up. To keep up with that growth, we’ve recently upgraded the forums to its own dedicated server (to improve performance), migrated the backend to vBulletin 4.0 (to offer more features) and made a URL change. The new forums can be found at:

For you old timers, thanks for your support over the years. If you haven’t done so already, take a moment to update your bookmark, visit the forums new home and reset your password so you can get back into the action. If you run into problems you can Contact Us and we can sort out any issue(s).

For those of you who aren’t part of our community at the Stogie Review Fan Forums yet, we hope to see you join up soon. You will find a community thats welcoming, honest and most importantly, enjoyable to interact with. You can weigh in on Daily Discussion topics, read or submit cigar reviews, tell us about your favorite tobacconist, give and get tons of advice, participate in a trade and interact more closely with us and with other cigar passionados.

8 thoughts on “Fan Forums Upgraded

  1. Good job guys! Keep up the good work.
    I hear Brian played a big part in this and deserves more credit than everyone else 😛

  2. Shameless plugging FTW!…lol

    Seriously though, nice job, guys. I’m glad that I have this forum to navigate and build some friendships through as opposed to the one I’m thinking you’re thinking about…lol

    Hopefully we’ll see it grow even more in the future! Keep up the good work guys! (and I think you made this just to get to 300 articles before Walt gets to 600…lol)

    1. Ray – You gotta keep an eye on that Walt guy. He padded his numbers by posting every guest review and shop review as himself. LOL…you’re right, I’m just mad that he thought of it first. LOL

      1. haha…don’t be hatin!

        Although, I think I’m deserving of roughly 1/250th of all earnings made off of this site in 2009 as I was a lead author of 2 (maybe 3) articles posted during the year. I’ll be expecting my seven clipped caps in the mail shortly…lol

  3. Hats off to Jerry and Walt for this! They are the brains behind the switchover and have done a damn fine job I think ( I am not biased :p )

    Hope everyone loves the billion new features available in the forums as vB has TONS of options with more coming down the road I believe 😉


  4. Even though my efforts were CRUCIAL to making this switch happen, it think it’s a good idea to give at least a little recognition to Walt and Jerry for the little bit of help they were able to offer here and there. LOL

    Seriously though, good work guys, the new forum looks great! I forgot how much I love vBulletin.

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