Mike’s Top List for 2014

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Mike’s Top List for 2014

Here we go again with the lists. Well at least I waited long enough not to be aggregated into a total top cigar list. These are very subjective (although mine is right) so if you tend to smoke and like what I do hopefully you will enjoy trying the ones you have not on this list.

Nothing fancy because I am not feeling well so it’s one more point the haters can hate on. Oh, yes, I do still have long hair too.

1. Luchador – Sam Leccia did one hell of a job with this stick
2. Aperitivo – Corona Gorda is where it is at!
3. Nomad Connecticut Fuerte
4. Illusione Rothchildes – this cigar should be on lists for years to come
5. Tatuaje Lancero Collection – yes the whole damn thing
6. Camacho Ecuador – Love the old gas station sign looking bands
7. Nat Sherman 1930 – Nat Sherman is really doing well, just wish the prices were lower
8. Perla Del Mar – low cost and damn fine mild – medium cigar
9. My Father Connecticut – just started smoking this one and really like it alot.
10. San Cristobal Elegancia – awesome with coffee!

Budget pick for this year would be the Casa Bella from Sindicato Cigars. Been through over a bundle of these little guys. Some problems here and there but no complaints from me cause they are priced very nicely.

Cigar to look for this year because it is damn good – Imperia from Mike Bellody – seriously, look for this cigar!

So numbers 1 through 3 were really tied for the top spot and I ended up ranking them the way I did on the number of cigars I was able to smoke of each of them. I really love a lot of the boutique cigars coming out but it is very hard to find a local shop that carries them and I have been trying to buy everything at local b&m’s (yes driving to CI or Famous and buying at the retail store would still be a b&m in my opinion).

I have not tried the Noblesse as of yet nor the Perdomo Double Aged just in case you are wondering. Been hearing a lot of good things locally but just haven’t smoked them as of yet to even see if they would make this list. Definitely not on the good price range scale for the Noblesse but we shall see.

So there you have a list. You are now complete and can put the year 2014 behind you and follow me on a journey through 2015 with multitudes of cigars to be smoked. Well ok, as many as I can since I cant smoke inside any more.

I am just me.

7 thoughts on “Mike’s Top List for 2014

  1. Mike – hard to argue against having any of the first four on anyone’s list. I have not had any of the others except for the Perla, but I guess you know what I thought of that one. Oh yeah, the Tat original ET lancero I got from you would be a consideration as well.

    On my wish list for this year is for you to get a smoking room built on your father-in-law’s property, even if it has to double as a venison chop shop.

    1. Havent smoked as much as I normally was due to not having a smoking room inside..

      I would say the biggest disappointments were the Payback in the big ring gauges – just didnt do anything for me and the Nica Puro Diamond Rough Cut. I did not like that one at all compared to the original Nica Puro release that I really enjoy.

  2. Hey, I saw Nat Sherman on ur list. I really like the Sherman Suave, but it is gone, something similar from Nat out there?

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