In this weeks installment of Look what I bought on Cigar Monster I’d like to take you on a trip down memory lane. Back when Christian Eiroa unleashed on the world a cigar made entirely or Maduro. A cigar that would put hair on your chest and make the ladies swoon – The Camacho Triple Maduro.
Well, maybe I’m exaggerating a bit but the cigar was being marketed as a powerhouse for serious cigar smokers. I remember walking into the humidor at Kensington Tobacconist (it makes me sad to think how long that shop has been closed) and seeing the newly arrived box on the shelf.
The price tag gave me serious sticker shock. If my memory is correct it was something like $12 which put it head to head with the coveted Ashton VSG (which was rested on a shelf just a few feet away).
I didn’t want to spend that much but all the cool kids were raving about the Camacho Triple Maduro on the Club Stogie Cigar Forums (another distant memory of my past) and I didn’t want to be left out.
The Camacho Triple Maduro was a very good cigar and kind of a game changer. Outside of the CAO MX3 (which was part of the Escaparate lineup and only sold at W. Curtis Draper Tobacconist in DC) I don’t recall any other cigars like it on the market.
When the opportunity presented itself to pick up a Camacho Sampler that included a pair or Triple Maduros, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to revisit this cigar.
I smoked the first one a couple of nights ago and it was magical. Full bodied with rich ooey-gooey maduro flavors. I couldn’t wait to write this little blurb and preach about how incredible it was.
Now, as I smoke the second one, I find it alright. It isn’t a bad cigar by any stretch of the imagination, it simply isn’t knocking my socks off like the first one.
I don’t know if I was struck by a wave of nostalgia over my first Triple Maduro in years or if it was truly a different cigar experience than this one. Either way it is definitely worthy of another purchase at some point down the line.
Ask The Readers:
Have you smoked a Camacho Triple Maduro lately? If so, what did you think of the cigar? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Remember my first Triple very well. After picking up a couple at TWINS Smoke Shop in Hooksett, NH I decided to fire one up for my ride home. Big Mistake. Not even through the 1st third and I had to pull over and take a 30 minute break. What a powerhouse. Finished it after a good dinner. Loved it then!!!!
Abe at Smoke Inn claims credit for the idea to make this cigar, apparently had some legal rights to it, and licensed it to Christian. Considering his ties to Sal Fontana, I have no reason to doubt this, and hope he got a piece, or still gets some, from Davidoff. It’s a great, full bodied cigar!
My recollection is like your second stick. It was alright but not the powerhouse I expected. Good but not worth going out of my way to get. One point to note is that I smoke outdoors.
The original Triple Maduro with the BIG C on the label was utterly fantastic. they were discontinued when Camacho was bought out. They re-introduced the Triple Maduro and is about 5 steps below the original. After having the original prior to the change of owners, their is NO way to compare. However, when they were being pulled from the shelves around the world and returned to the new owners, I grabbed 4 boxes out of \Florida. A shop held some back. They have now been aging for years and just lite one up and, it is the best smoke of ALL. By the way the originals that were pulled from the shelves were returned and smoked by the management of the new owners, never to be seen again.