I’m asked from time to time what I, Don “Cruz”ado a.k.a. The Great Torpedo, thinks about a particular cigar and when asked about the Liga Privada T52 by Drew Estate I would tell them that I wasn’t a fan of them.
Historically, the Liga Privada T52 always seemed inconsistent. It was always one thing after another. It be a construction issue one time and the next time it be a sour flavor profile. The samples I received when they were released at the 2009 IPCPR in New Orleans were amazing…but slowly, as I started smoking more and more of them, it went down hill to where I’d written them off as not my thing.
I’ll be the first to admit when I’m wrong. The Drew Estate Liga Privada T52 is tits, its gangsta and I can’t tell you how refreshing it is to smoke a cigar that perfectly balances out its strength with an rich array of flavors. I’m glad I was encouraged by a local B&M to give them a fresh tasting and give my opinion on whether to carry them or not. I hope, based on this review, that they do.
The balance of the Liga Privada T52 by Drew Estate is where it really shines. I love the peppery sensation on the palate without the actual big blast of pepperiness. I love the dark flavors…coffee, cocoa, molasses and a deep but subtle woodsy flavor. All wrapped in a toothy, oil rich wrapper that billows thick smoke. A true pleasure of a cigar that I’m glad I gave a second chance to…and yes…I talk about Johnny too.
Great job man.
Nice jams, nice review. 🙂
I agree with you man. This cigar is pretty damned good. The only drawback, really, is the price.
Great review Jerry. If I find out any cigar companies are skinning baby eagles, you’ll be the first to know.
LOL @ skinning baby eagles! C’mon that be pretty messed up if they did right?
Nice job Jerry, i have actually tried a few of these and i really enjoyed them. What is happening to me?
I have a new dream i would like to share with you…One day i would like to be cool enough to say the phrases ‘ is tits, its gangsta’ without being slapped.
It was only a matter of time before I started rubbing off on you. 😉
Great review, Jerry. I gotta go try these now.
Great review, Jerry. I gotta go try these now. So far you haven’t steered me wrong yet. . .
Great review, Jerry. I gotta go try these now. So far you haven’t steered me wrong yet. Maybe i’ll be hooked on these like you got me hooked on MOW Ruinations. LOL
So….you’re saying there’s a problem with killing dolphins?
What if the dolphins own the cigar company and decide to skin baby bald eagles to use for binder material?
LOL – damn, nice review. Seems a bit on the strong side for my wussy self but i may give them a try at some point.
Great review man, I love these sticks. Glad they turned out well for you. Shut that dog up. 🙂
Great review Jerry! I really love these sticks. Glad you enjoyed them this time around.
Nice review! I smoked this stick for the first time at the Texas Cigar Festival at Serious Cigars a few weeks ago. Also had the pleasure of speaking with Jonathan Drew who happened to be standing by them in the humidor. It was facinating to hear him explain the thought behind the stalk cut cigar. He is an interesting and engaging guy.
I was blown away by this cigar, despite not being a Drew Estates fan…. I am a tried and true Pepin whore…
You are only 32 damn…… You look old…… Hahahahahahahaahahaha!
Great Review. Love the comfortability of the review. I love the T52 over the T9, but that is just me.
Props on the “peppery sensation”, that’s a great way of describing it. I’m smoking my first one now, and so far it’s a little off on the burn, and pumping out a river of smoke like an incense stick, but I’m enjoying it. Definitely a cigar that requires ample ventilation! LOL
I think that the Liga Privadas No. 9 are really good. Now it’s time to go out and check on the T52’s
baby bald eagles huh?
Great review bro… I’m a big fan Liga Privada smokes… especially the no.9
Your review on the T52 is right on.My favorite by Johnny Drew.The price well i always say you get what you pay for.Here you get a little more.I want to know why Cigar Aficionado doesnot rate these cigars.(T52 of even the #9).I think it will rate higher than the Opus X(T52).Just my opinion.
So, wait…..I SHOULDN’T skin baby eagles? Then what do I do for supper tonight?
dude, what’s with all the aggressive finger pointing at the viewers at the end of your videos? is that really necessary? it just seems disrespectful. i’ve seen you do interviews (eg Pete Johnson) and dealign with other people you’re meek and completely different. Are you trying to let out some pent up rage or something? What is that supposed to accomplish? Do you think you’re a g-money gangsta? LOL
I say seek out a therapist so you can release your anger and frustration in other ways, because honestly it comes across as a bit juvenile in a cigar review video.
Good luck to you my brother, I hope you can get your issues worked out. All that anger is not healthy, it wears you down over time. Just not worth the energy.
Even simpler: Ask your self this…Do you go around double pointing people in the face all day long? People you’ve never met before? No you certainly don’t, because sooner rather than later you would get the shit kicked out of you. Would you like someone pointing in your face aggressively? I seriously doubt it bro. It’s not appropriate in person, and it’s not appropriate in a video.
I honestly don’t really care what you do, I don’t know you personally, and really don’t care to. I just thought I would offer you some friendly advice from a SR viewer that thinks you completely ruin your reviews with all the lame finger pointing at the end. Some may call it “entertaining” but I’d call it embarrassing.
And before anyone says “then don’t watch his videos”, I’m way ahead of you.
What is your problem? I find Jerry both entertaining and funny, would you rather his reviews be monotone and dry? If so there are other sites you can visit. Go Rain on Someone else’s Parade.
Take care Bill. I do what I do and I’m sorry you take offense to it. It’s not to be aggressive or rude or whatever. It’s all about having fun. Sorry you don’t find it entertaining or funny…take care.
Great review dude!!! I think Bill will return once in a while when he realizes that he misses the added value that the element of entertainment has on these reviews. You should switch to using your middle fingers on random occasions. Everyone has a right to be heard so he spoketh, but the majority of followers beg to differ that it is lame & that is a great majority.
Bill, are you insane ? I am pointing both fingers at you while I ask.
1st. Keep the reviews coming Jerry.
2nd. Two words for Bill… a. Xanax
b. Lithium
Well, I agree with Bill. I liked your reviews better without the profanity. Go back to lovable old Jerry instead of the new gansta version. Thanks!
Jake – I’ve been doing the “long fucking ashes” and pointing thing since we started doing video. Its my call sign.
Jerry! Actually, I used to watch your videos first on youtube back when you used to like Rocky Patel and thought the Sungrown was the shit! Back then you just said “Long Ashes”. The F*’in was added later! Anyway, you’re the only reviewer I really watch on this site — the other guys don’t seem as laid back. Oh, and excuse my profanity in this post!
I Love your review style man don’t change for anybody!
Regarding the cigar, when my local got them in for the first time last year, he had a few boxes of both sizes and they were very inconsistent in color of the wrapper leaf. The robusto size was very dark with almst no reddish hue and the toro size was lighter with alot of reddish hue… wonder if the sizes have different wrappers on them, or if its because of the stalk cut habano that they are just inconsistent.
Please cuss more, point more fingers, and yell a LOT.
Oh yeah, and keep writing great reviews about great cigars.
“The Drew Estate Liga Privada T52 is tits” — Don Cruzado
This statement sums up my opinion entirely. I can’t express in words how much I love the T-52 other than to compare it to my love of tits. If I could get them more cheaply, then besides these I’d probably smoke an occasional Tat and that’s about it. But hey, tit for Tat.
NJ Stone is the best. He kills me.