MQYA Reminder for episode 22

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MQYA Reminder for episode 22

We will be recording YQMA early next week so I wanted to give everyone a quick reminder that those participating in the voice mail answer for next weeks show will be entered to win a couple of cigars from Arganese Cigars.

The short version of the question was
If you were sitting with a cigar manufacturer/family of your choice and were told “hey I’m gonna make your cigar and market it world wide. What do you want it to be called, and what flavor profiles/characteristics would you like it to have?”

Call in your answer to (610) 572-2636 and leave a voicemail to be entered to win a 5 pack of cigars (4 Arganese cigars and one extra). Your answer can also be left via voicemail through the Skype network by contacting wwhite72082)

Cut Off is Wen. Oct. 31st at 11:30 PM EST

enjoying cigars since 2005

2 thoughts on “MQYA Reminder for episode 22

  1. Please note the changed deadline. I added an extra day because we are recording YQMA a little later than expected, which ultimately gives everyone an extra day to get their answers in.

  2. Alright Walt, since it was I who called you out on the episode where you said “Well thats it for this episode of your questions my answers” I figured I should try to participate.

    My answer was pretty lame, but hey, if I had my name on a smoke, I’d want a little of everything in there.

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