Site Update 11/30/07

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Site Update 11/30/07

Virtual Skype Herf:
Not too long ago I posted on the Fan Forum in regards to a possible Skype Herf and wanted to get an idea on interest. It seems like the idea went over well and we are going to try and give it a shot. The idea is to have a virtual herf through the Skype network where we can all shoot the breeze via audio and text based chat. The time and date has not yet been determined but I’m looking at it most likely being on a weekday starting at or around 9:00 PM EST and lasting about 2 hours.

If this is something you would be interested in, head over to and sign up for an account. Once you are registered, post a comment here and let me know what day of the week would work best for you. Once I get an idea on a day I’ll put the wheels in motion and go from there.

Credit to Jesse from Cigar Jack for hosting one of his own and prompting me to give it a try.

MQYA Winner from Episode 22:
During the un-aired Your Questions, My Answers – Episode 22 I announced the winner for the Arganese Sampler pack. Matt from Little Rock come on down! Shoot me an email with your mailing address (as well as the number you called me from so I can verify) and I’ll get your Cigars in the mail.

The future of YQMA:
Episode 22 of YQMA will remain un-aired for the time being out of respect for Jerry and Michelle. During the episode Jerry goes on to say some touching things about his son before his passing. For that reason it will remain un-aired until Jerry feels comfortable with it being posted.

Episode 23 will be recorded sometime in the future, but the date has not been determined. I will be beginning the process of finding guests to appear on the show with me. Due to the lack of free time I have had as of late I have not yet begun that process. If you would like to be a guest on a future episode please feel free to email me and inform me of your interest.

Review Schedule:
As of right now the weekly schedule has not been determined. Most likely I will move my reviews to Friday and post News and/or Recommended reading on Monday until the review slot can be filled.

If you would like to submit reviews to be posted on this day please feel free to email me them and I will post them as Reader Reviews. Please try and keep them as professional as possible while remaining casual and include photos of the cigar in action.

Also, please be aware that your submitted review may or may not be published. Upon receipt it becomes the property of Stogie Review and may be posted or removed at our discretion.

Happy Smoking

enjoying cigars since 2005

4 thoughts on “Site Update 11/30/07

  1. For the Virtual Herf it is best just to have a conference call and add people to it. They SkypeCast functionality is a bit flakey yet it seems and you get a ton of riffraff coming in. I’ll be looking you up tonight Walt and look forward to joining in!

  2. I’d like to give it a try if I can work out the time. 9PM Friday for you would be 12 noon on Saturday here in Guam… it just might work!


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