First and foremost, I hope everyone is enjoying their Memorial Day weekend. I hope along with your steak, ribs, burgers, hot dogs and endless cigars, you set aside a few moments and thank all those who have served and made the ultimate sacrifice. We’re a melting pot of people and we don’t agree on much, but the one thing we can all agree on is that we can never repay the debt that is owed to those who have fallen in our defense. So please, take a moment for them and for their families.
Next I need to thank @mattmaronna for gifting me these when I met up with him and @tomscigars earlier this month in Orlando and we smoked up at @CoronaCigarCo.
Video runs 14:05.
You were in Orlando?!?!?! I would have loved to get together with you.
hi jerry me again thoes tatuaje noellas you sent me are great lol…..anyway i just wana tell you like i allways tell you i like very rare and or storng cigars like tatuaje,la flor dominicana,illusione,don pepin garcia padrons and cubans stuff like that but i must give it up to punch for this cigar i had to smoke it 7 times before i said it was great cause like i saod i dont care for regular cigar such as punch macanudo cohiba but like i said i had to try it 7 times before i put it in as one of my favorate cigars and especialy for every day cause i smoke tatuaje don pepin garcia and $30 padron 80th anniversary cigars every day lol…so what i did just now was buy a few cigars for my every day smoking and aging cao brazilia wich im smoking right now and punch rare corojo and some other stuff but you and tom didint care for the last year blend man i love them i dont know what years they were but i smoked one from last valintines day oh wait i did smoke one last year 3 mater of fact i had the torpedo in the tube when i 1st started smoking in charloote nc at tinder box man thaat was a great cigar to me i never ever hit a bad one the burn is allways the same great and the flavors are allways the same very complex and the construction is great love it for the price you cant beat it for $90 a box please do your self a favor and try the torpedo in the glass tube i love the magnum and then the torpedo is a totally diffrent smoke its pure milk chocolate when i 1st started smoking i never knew cigars taste like nutts coffe and shit like that but man i picked up on the milk cohcolate i said it while i was smoking it then that moth later i read cigar aficianado and it rated a 90 and said it tasted like miks chocolate so please try it mater of fact im gona buy a box of thoes also
Nice review Jerry. Based on your’s, Tom’s and Ed’s review, I’m going to pick some Punch 09 rare corojos today.
Nice review. I wonder if it is just the tobacco that has changed somehow or if they actually changed the whole blend to make them taste so different. Seems stupid to change a blend on a cigar that everyone was really liking! If i see a couple of these I might grab them just for the hell of it, but i doubt i will go out of my way to pick any up.
Rare Corojo should MEAN Corojo also 😉
I think their concept with the “Rare Corojo” is that it’s soooo “rare”, it doesn’t even exist in the cigar!
The lack of Corojo is acceptable if they can make such a tasty low cost treat! Nice review… I have been singing the praises of the 2009 Punch Rare Corojo ever since I smoked one back in early March. Glad to have the Torpedo on board. No Great Torpedo seal of approval maybe you need a GOLD, SILVER & BRONZE award so you can give cigars that are good values a partial stamp. I bought two 50 count boxes of the Rothschild size so I would have to give it the two thumbs way up!
Jerry-As always, great review.
Thanks for clearing up the whole “Lack of Corojo yet they call it the rare corojo” thing. Ed & I got lazy and didn’t investigate it.
Also it was great chillin and chain smokin with you, Matt, and BigReg in Orlando. Good times.
Great review Jerry. I have set aside cigars for today, as a little show of appreciation to those who have fallen for our country and cannot enjoy the stogies we can today. Thank you for recognizing Memorial day in the video. When everyone is smoking today, try and remember those who have given everything for us to enjoy the lives we have, including our cigars!
i fucks with these.
i actually smoked one your Lonsdales/Churchills (it was one of those) when I came over for the De La Hoya vs Pacquiao fight lol … it was as good as the 1st time i smoked it.
great job.
– A g e n t 15
Nice review, but the audio/video is whacked out after the Zazzle ad insert….
I just bought a box of Punch rare corojo torpedos-why they waste money on the fancy glass tubes for each one is beyond me- but…I love them. Quality smokes from end to end.
Corojo is grown in Honduras in its original form. Cuba no longer grows the original strain due to disease and mold. Western KY, USA grows a hybrid as well… The Corojo is wrapped in corojo, Jerry.