Origin : Dominican Republic
Wrapper : U.S. Connecticut
Binder : Dominican Republic
Filler : Dominican Republic
Source : Famous Smoke Shop Exlcusive
I am bringing you a Famous Smoke Shop exclusive cigar today in the Andros toro. This cigar is made in 5 sizes, Churchill (7.50 x 50), Corona (5.50 x 46), lonsdale (6.75 x 44), robusto (4.50 x 52) and toro (6.75 x 50), and is available in a Brazilian Maduro or the US Connecticut shade wrappers.
Taking a look at my Andros cigar I notice right off the bat that it has a dark shade wrapper than I am used to with the normal US Connecticut shade wrappers. It has a very silky feel to it along with a couple bands of real dark “splashes” of color.
Taking a whiff of the cigar, I notice a mild tobacco aroma from the wrapper but the foot gives off a strong woody scent along with a natural tobacco aroma.
First Third
Upon putting my torch to this Andros cigar I have to say, it takes a bit to get these going. This is my fifth one I smoked and each one f them took a bit to get fired up. I do not point this out as a bad point but just be prepared to take a bit of time to get this one going.
First puffs gave me a mild tobacco taste along with some woodsy notes. Pleasant but very mild start. We shall see if this cigar opens up to offer more flavor in this third.
While smoking this first third, I kept coming across a flavor that i can only describe as a perfume/floral flavor. It does not hang around long but it just hits in the background every now and again. Most predominate flavor in this third has been the woodsy taste along with a bit of leather and spice.
This cigar is still a mild smoke but the flavors have opened up just a bit more to my liking.
Second Third
Starting out the second third of my Andros cigar and we are still at a definite mild stick with a little more flavor, but I am hoping it opens up more as we go through this segment.
Into the second third the spice has really picked up along with the leather taste. I notice that perfume/floral taste only slightly here and there. I think I may have gotten it four times in this third. I am also getting a toasty tobacco taste. Let me try and explain that one. If you get toward the end of a cigar and it starts to get hot and harsh, that is the taste I am talking about, only without the real harshness.
I am happy the flavors have picked up and the body is still in the mild range for my palette.
Final Third
Starting out this final third of my Andros toro cigar and the spice has stayed strong just like in the second third. I am getting more leather than anything right now and most anything else is just a hint every once in a while.
I will note as I started this third I noticed the cigar was starting to get warm on me already. I hope this will cool back down to let me finish or I may have to let it go before the nub.
Well I had to end the final third a bit earlier than I would have liked due to harshness.
Flavor profile for the final third was more of a leathery spice that got overwhelmed by that burning tobacco taste at the end which made it harsh,
I will note that I let the cigar sit a lot longer in the ashtray to try and cool it down and ended up having to relight. I do not think this affected it in any way since the other 4 I smoked all got harsh towards the end.
After finishing the Andros toro cigar, I have to admit, I doubt I will have a place in my humidor for these on a constant basis. I did enjoy the second third but that is not enough to make me want to buy some to keep on hand. Someday if they are on sale again, I may snag some but i will not be going out of my way to order them again.
I am also curious as to how the other sizes taste compared to this one. I really wish manufacturers or retailers would put more vertical tasting packs together so you would get to try all the different sizes to see if you can find the sweet spot.
There you have it, all nice and kind of neat. I hope you enjoyed the review and as always, let me a comment and tell me if you have had these and what you thought or if you think you might pick some up to give a try,
Almost forgot, the cigar took me around 2 hours to smoke but that might be because it heated up like it did and I really drew the last third out trying to keep it smokable.
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Another great review!! Man, that sure is a nice cutter….. LOL They do take some time to get used to. Keep up the great job.
I honestly thought you could never better your choice of opening music after queensryche, but….My God man you have done it! I bet you can’t top this?