Wrapper : Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro
Binder : Brazilian Maduro
Filler : USA Habana,Criollo ’98 and Piloto Cubano from the Dominican Republic
Source : Mike
Hello once again my cigar brothers. I have for you this week, the Victor Sinclair Legacy Double Maduro Torpedo. I have found these cigars in four sizes, although Victor Sinclair’s website only lists three sizes. These cigars come in a Churchill (6 7/8 x 48), Robusto Grande (5 1/2 x 50), Torpedo (6 1/2 x 52) and the size I found on Thompson’s website was the Shorty (4 1/2 x 48). I only really see these cigars for sale at Thompson’s Cigar and they are $70 a box for any size which equals out to $3.50 per stick.
Giving the stick the once over and I notice some pretty prominent veins, a small hole in the outside wrapper and a band in a nice silver and black color. When I sniff the cigar I get a slight hay from the wrapper and a bit of a bittersweet chocolate and tobacco from the foot.
As a side note, this cigar has a foot band and it came off very cleanly as it slid right off the end.
First Half
Putting some flame to my Victor Sinclair Legacy Double Maduro and I notice it really has an abundance of flavor right off the bat but no power to speak of. I am getting a bittersweet chocolate along with a little bit of spice and woodiness in the first few puffs.
Cigar has kept up with the mildness as I continue to burn through the first half. I still get a little hint of spice along with the bittersweet chocolate and almost a grassy undertone has crept in.
Rounding out the first half and I was getting a pretty harsh spice taste every couple of puffs that I hope does not hang around for the rest of the cigar. Other than the harsh spice I was getting a bit of the bittersweet chocolate and a woody taste. Most of the grassy taste left after a few puffs.
Second Half
Heading into the second half of this Victor Sinclair Legacy Double Maduro and I am surprised at how mild the cigar is. I am still getting a good bit of flavor but no noticeable nicotine or strong body.
Getting a bit flavorless here towards the end. I am getting a slight cauliflower taste along with basically tobacco. I also notice that the ash is getting a lot flakier. In the first half I ashed twice. Both times it was a solid chunk of ash. Here in this last half the ash has been flaking off regularly.
Ending out my cigar and the flavor really has gone away a lot. Every now and again I will get a taste of something other than burning tobacco but mostly just a harsher tobacco taste.
My final thoughts on the Victor Sinclair Legacy Double Maduro in the torpedo size is, it is a decent cigar for the price but nothing that will overwhelm you with power. I think the flavor is very nice in the beginning but it seems to drop off towards the end. Some of them drop off sooner than others.
Would I buy it again? Sure. If I could get a box at a great sale price I would snag one to keep around but at regular price I would try and find a 5-pack or split a box with others.
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Mike very good review I’ve had these smokes for sometime and they are a very inexpensive rough looking smoke. I agree totally with your notes I tend to smoke these if I’m washing car or doing something that if I couldn’t finish it I wouldn’t feel bad. Thanks for the shout out as well.
I’ve been eyeballing the VS Legacy in the Thompson catalog for some time, as I am a big fan of most Victor Sinclair sticks — especially the Connecticut Yankee. Maybe I’ll snag a 5-pack. Generally I don’t mind a rough-looking wrapper if the price is right. Thanks for another review, Mike!
Thanks for the review Mike. First time I’ve heard of the Victor Sinclair Double Maduro. I’ve seen other blends online, but I’ve never had one. Keep on smoking.
I agree Mike a very mild.stick. For 2 bucks, these are great for golf and any activity that you are focusing on more than the cigar. Mild and maybe not extremely flavorful but what flavors were prenet were agreeable. The constructio is solid too
I got a box of mix cigars, Was not pleased with this cigar, hard to stay lit and first half was okay, Second half I threw away.. Blah taste..
Just within the past five years or so have I become interested in cigars so the assessment and comments were interesting to read. Last year, my wife bought me a Victor Sinclair sampler pack. The pack contained about 20 different cigars. After smoking all of them, I found the Double Maduro to be very good, so good that I’ve been frantically searching site after site to find the best price for these Victor Sinclair Double Maduro’s.
Although Mike’s assessment is probably from an experts view but me being a novas, I’ll start with the Double Maduro’s and evolve toward Mike’s expertise.