La Aurora Corojo

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La Aurora Corojo


No disrespect to the other cigars released by Miami Cigar Company at IPCPR this year but I’ve been telling anyone who will listen that the La Aurora Corojo is probably the best of the bunch. It was announced with little fanfare and hid in the shadows of the Guillermo Leon Signature, Nestor Miranda Art Deco and others. I got my first taste of the La Aurora Corojo in the robusto size thanks to Miami Cigar Company and Jose Blanco who provided samples of all the new releases for the 2010 Twitter Brother of Leaf Cocktail Hour. As I sparked up my very first one, I was hooked.

Video runs about 9 minutes and I think the La Aurora Corojo is a winner. Price to flavor/smoking experience ratio is greatly in our favor. This a B&M exclusive and my hat is off to Mike from Buckhead Cigar who helped me out in acquiring a box for this review. I’d also encourage you to check out the reviews of the La Aurora Corojo over at The Cigar Feed and at A Cigar Smoker. Lastly, thanks to my wife Michelle for taking the still pictures used for this review.

10 thoughts on “La Aurora Corojo

  1. Thanks for the review Jerry. The La Aurora Corojo sounds like a winner. I definitely need to get my hands on a few of these. Keep the reviews coming and keep on smoking.

  2. Good review Jerry. Do you plan to do a review on the tatuaje 7th reserva? And if you can I would like to see a review of the Tatuaje Reserva Petite Cazadores. Maybe compare it to the Verocu #5? Take care.

  3. I sort of know what you mean by a “dry, dark, sweet flavour”. I had a St. Vincent’s double-corojo, and the first half was dry (so powdery, some how) dark chocolate, the 2nd was a citrus or apple-like, syrupy flavour. Sort of sour and sweet.

    Well, I had two distinct flavours, and you may’ve meant the “dark” (or was it “deep”?) flavour applied also to the sweetness. Anyway, I’ll attribute the similarities to the corojo.

    Thanks for the review.

  4. Jerry,

    Really liked the review agree with your comments on the dark flavor, its rich and a solid Med and smokes well

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