Vegas Robaina Famosos (Guest Review)

Guest Reviews Reviews7 Comments on Vegas Robaina Famosos (Guest Review)

Vegas Robaina Famosos (Guest Review)

This Guest Review comes courtesy of Michael Thorne
as his Day 3 Entry for the 3rd Annual Stogie Review 12 Days of Christmas

This will be my first attempt at any type of review as I prefer to read others submissions. I tried to select a cigar from my humidor that had not been reviewed on If I overlooked an archived review I apologize for the oversight.

My sense of taste is not as refined as most reviewers so I don’t typically taste the wide array of pepper and spice that many detect in cigars. I selected a cigar that I’ve never detected a lot of spice in just to avoid a truly bland review. For the contest I am going to attempt to put down my thoughts on a Cuban that I enjoy and have had several of to somewhat qualify me to offer an opinion. As you will see in my Christmas card submission in a few days, I have a face for radio and only pictured the cigar in my photos and will not try to make a video. All my background info came from my mobile stogie phone app.

Cigar: Vegas Robaina Famosos
Origin: Cuba
Shape: Corona Extra
Length: 5.0
Ring Guage: 48
Price: $11.20

Pre-light: The wrapper was overall-smooth but you could see where the leaf was rolled as pictured. There were 2 visible veins in the leaf. The cigar was light brown, the color of cafe con leche.

This VR was spongy to touch with no real soft spots. It is a very light cigar in both weight and color. It was about 27 degrees when I clipped the cap with my Palio. Initially I lit the cigar with my xikar as pictured but the wind caused a little uneven burn on the foot which I touched up with a triple flame. The draw before lighting was unobstructed and free. I detect some leather but mainly an earthy tobacco aroma. There is a cocoa taste in the cold draw and upon first firing the foot.

Guest Review - Vegas Robania - 1

Guest Review - Vegas Robania - 2

The burn is very even and produces a light gray colored ash. The ash is compact and was tapped at a 1/2 inch. There is lots of thin yet creamy smoke. It is a milder cigar, almost sweet to the taste. It pairs very well with the hazelnut coffee I am pairing with it. Nothing like a cigar to enhance the flavor of your drink.

As the VR progresses it has some sweet flavors of roasted nuts, cocoa, and leather. The wisps of smoke between puffs are very pleasant. After the first third the smoke seems to thicken and retains the creamy flavor.

Guest Review - Vegas Robania - 3

Guest Review - Vegas Robania - 4

I would characterize the cigar as mild. It makes a very nice afternoon smoke with a cup of coffee but would be equally good in the evening with a hoppy beer or a bourbon or rum. I smoked the VR a little longer than the final submitted photo until just before the heat would present any harshness. It maintained the leather and cocoa notes throughout.

Guest Review - Vegas Robania - 5

I would recommend this size of the Vegas Robaina line to anyone that comes across it. I know I will add more to my humidor if the opportunity presents itself.

Merry Christmas to all of you. I’ll now leave the reviewing to y’all and the reading/watching to me. I have a little more appreciation for the work you put in to making the site a success.


Michael Thorne

enjoying cigars since 2005

7 thoughts on “Vegas Robaina Famosos (Guest Review)

  1. @Michael Thorne Very nice review, I never had that cigar before but with the first opportunity I’ll find I will definitely try it.
    @T-cigar I’m sure if you pay a visit at the Chicago’s customs you’ll find plenty…LOL

  2. Sounds like a very good cigar – thanks for the review! Now if the airports would stop confiscating those poor cubans that many people are trying to help into the US …. we just want to give them a home and some tender loving care! 😉

  3. Thanks guys. I’ve actually never had a G.A.R. so I’m really looking forward to them. I’m still kind of a newb. I got my VR from a friend that was overseas last year. He brought me back a sampler. Hate the turn of events in Chicago. That’ll limit sampling for a while I guess. Cheers!

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