Your Question, My Answers (YQMA) Episode 2.04

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Your Question, My Answers (YQMA) Episode 2.04

A few weeks ago, Jerry, Brian, Mike, and I sat down and recorded another episode of YQMA. Due to some time constraints it took us a little longer to get this episode put together than usual.

Like most of our recent episodes of YQMA, this one has a variety of humorous moments in addition to questions submitted from our readers.

The questions include:
  • Our thoughts on the CRA and the semi-recent news of their distribution of funds
  • How many cigars before you give up on a particular line
  • Who we would induct into a Cigar Hall of Fame
  • Items every smoker needs to get the most out of enjoying cigars
  • Will Mexican tobacco ever make it into the mainstream
  • What do we know now that we wished we knew when we first started in on the cigar hobby
  • What is the difference between bench pressed, box pressed, and cuban pressed cigars

enjoying cigars since 2005

15 thoughts on “Your Question, My Answers (YQMA) Episode 2.04

  1. Thank you guys for another hour of great entertainment. This one was the wackiest yet. It’s always like getting together with friends and just having a bull session interspersed with actual enlightenment.

    I was surprised that Jerry was the only one to bring up Padron for the Hall of Fame. They have long been the benchmark for qualify-focused manufacturing. Do just a few things and do them well.

    I also applaud your willingness to question whether CRA is effectively using its resources. Someone has to ask these questions to insure that the most is being made with what they have. There will always be – and should be, deserved or not – skepticism when only two people are taking half of an organization’s financial resources while asking members to work voluntarily.

    And I do believe that Mexican San Andreas tobacco is not just a passing fancy. I think they do have the resources to produce quality tobacco in sufficient amounts as long as the manufacturers are willing to pay for it. AJ Fernandez is another maker who has used it in the San Lotano Maduro and Emilio’s AF-1.

    I’m looking forward to the next installment!

  2. In 2009 $449,522 was brought in membership dues. $27,886 and $31,385 for Glynn and Brian.
    In 2010 $511,229 in membership dues. $103,596 for Glynn, $79,547 for Brian.
    Yes they got a nice raise in 2010 (2011 obviously hasn’t been filed yet).

    Go to and search for cigar rights for full financial filings. While your there search some other popular “Charities.” You will be shocked. There are a lot of other expenses then salaries, and you’ll have to draw your own conclusions.

    Personally, I think that if your charity is “Non profit” it should be just that. Do I have a problem with CRA? Honestly I’m on the fence. I’ve met Glynn and he was a very cool guy to me. I appreciate the mission statement. I’m just leery of all charities, and CRA is no exception. I even expressed this to Glynn and he took my skepticism well and without attitude. I’ve heard stories from others who have had different experiences, but you should form your own opinion.

    In the end, I’m keeping my eye on CRA. Maybe one day I’ll join in.

  3. I gotta say, I’m enjoying these segments more and more. Please keep ’em coming.

    Laughter really is contagious, because Jerry and Walt’s little giggle-fest had me laughing my ass off.

  4. This was the weirdest / funniest one yet. Get your minds out of the gutter ! LOL

    In reference to CRA, I’m puzzled by some of your responses. CRA is not the ultimate savior. We can’t expect them to fix every single problem. We need them just like they need us. It all starts with healthy membership. They can’t go in front of state official(s) with a petition signed by few strangers off the street. We need to unite and support them so those officials can appreciate the importance and strength of this organization. CRA is young, actually, very young. We need to lower our expectation a bit and don’t expect them to move the mountain over night. It takes time, development, resources, money, persistency to make an impact. If folks are unsure what CRA has done, they need to look closer. Information is available.

    Now … money. Please tell me that folks didn’t expect that we will get couple cigar geeks running around Washington DC, traveling from Event to Event, talking to state officials … for free !!! ??? That would be ludicrous to even think that. In reference to raise, my comment is along the same lines. 30K a year ? I don’t think anyone expected that this will stay Status Quo. Percentage is relative to membership, obviously. Today it is 50% but next year it could be 25% depending on renewals and new membership. At the end of the day, it is $35 a year, same as NRA. As for as I’m concerned, it is the best Long Term Investment a cigar smoker can make.

    It is easy to sit on the sidelines and throw darts at the straw-man. Is CRA perfect, far from it but it is the best thing in town and we need to support them. If we fall back and CRA falls back … the right of smoking will be taken away from us for good.

    Although I sound like I’m one of the ambassadors, I’m not. Just an average member who believes in the mission statement.

  5. Hi guys.. thanks for the informative segment. I have a question about where the CRA data comes from? I’ve tried the search on Guidestar but I do not see any financial data available. I’ve seen some emails to members stating that they do not receive a salary etc.. so I’m personally interested in the data indicating their salary.


  6. I’m no expert on the subject, but it is all on Guidestar, as they are required by law to submit all financial information, which includes salaries. If they are saying there are no salaries being paid, that is simply not true.

  7. yeah I found it on the IRS tax form. But the actual financial reporting on the right side didn’t have any entries. It’s interesting for sure.

  8. Hi guys, I have to be critical of your comments on CRA. I agree with Brian’s point of view in theory. Getting anything done in Washington DC takes money and time. 3 years is nothing. Making the membership free would defeat the whole purpose. These guys have to be paid for their time and effort and without researching what they actually do I see it as unfair to make judgments on what they get paid. I think it would be more constructive to invite them to an interview before rushing to any kind of judgment. I’m a huge fan of you guys and love the YQMA’s and I think the idea of CRA is a positive one and in all our best interests to know more about what they do before using a forum like this to comment on their effectiveness and/or financial situation.

  9. I just read Jay’s response and he put it much better than I did. The very success or failure of CRA is directly proportional to the support that sites like this and we as cigar smokers give them. THE NRA is much older and bigger and they’re still fighting the government day in and day out to maintain a right to bear arms that is literally protected by the US Constitution for Christ sake!

    I’m not even a member yet myself, but I see the government infringing on liberty more and more every day. That’s my rant for the year!

  10. Great job guys! You guys ever considered doing something similar to CRA through your own site? Maybe set up some form of donation process where you get a piece of the profit in exchange for Stogie Review Swag and break off a piece of your proceeds to CRA?

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