Like I said earlier, I shouldn’t be here writing this post. I should be soaking up the nice Caribbean weather with other cigar bloggers who are visiting the Dominican Republic. So now I’m just mad, bitter and jealous. LOL. Just kidding, such is life. I wish all the other bloggers a safe trip. No need to wish them a good time as I’m sure there will be no shortage of good times, memories and inside jokes. Its always a slippery slope accepting a free trip but having multiple people on Stogie Review is a bonus. Simply put, you can’t pay us all off. You either trust us or you don’t. I’m not going to blog about trusting us or guaranteeing how we remain unbiased. You either do or you don’t and if you don’t then we never had your support to begin with. Onto this episode of Week in Smoke.

Tatuaje Verocu #5 – My 2010 Cigar of The Year and one of my favorite short smokes. I smoke these guys as if they were candy which means I go thru them way too fast. When you are short on time but don’t want to sacrifice quantity or flavor it doesn’t get any better than the Veocu #5.

Tatuaje Black Tubos – It was a Tatuaje day. The Verocu #5 was my before class cigar and this Black Tubos was my after class cigar. I know Pete hated the whole ordeal dealing with tubos and will probably never do them again, I still really enjoy the blend in this format. The Tatuaje Black Tubos still shines in the second and final thirds by incorporating a sweet espresso flavor along with a killer cedar flavor.

Tatuaje Face (Monster Series) – With the Wolfman release upon us its only customary to smoke last year’s release. The Face isn’t one of my favorites from the Monster Series. With that said the Face does not disappoint. Hours of dark, rich, smokey, earthly flavor profile.

Padron 3000 Maduro – Its pretty interesting that as much as I talk about the Padron 3000 Maduro, we’ve never actually reviewed it. What can I say? This is one of my favorite cigars to smoke. You more than get your moneys worth. Easy on the wallet with lost of flavor, slow burn and consistent each and every time. When I smoke a Padron 3000 Maduro I always find it hard to buy something in the Anniversary line. When you talk about flavor, balance and consistency the Padron 3000 Maduro can go head to head with the Anniversary line and at the same time; save you some dollars.

My Father Limited Edition 2011 – I’m always shy when it comes to buying a cigar in that $20 range even when it’s from the stables of My Father Cigars. I didn’t smoke the 2010 release that some say is better than the 2011 release. Its hard to believe that though. The 2011 edition isn’t for the faint of heart. Its definitely made for those who enjoy full flavor and full power. Lots of peppery and spicy notes from beginning to end. Lots of sweet and woodsy notes to balance things out. Lots going on that I’m sure I didn’t fully experience it and at $20+ a pop, I’m not sure when the next time I will be able to.

La Palina El Diario – A multiple appearance here in the Week in Smoke. I’m still torn on the pricing. While its not in the $20 range like its predecessor Family Series, it still has a double digit price tag that I’m not sure I could stomach every day. Is it worth it? Of course without a doubt the flavors are amazing, diverse and enjoyable. Is it something I’d like to smoke every day? Definitely. If I get the money tree in the backyard growing I’d definitely be smoking the El Diario every day. Solid cigar and a must try if you haven’t.

Tatuaje Black Label Petite Lancero – I know…this is turning out to be a Week in Smoke Tatuaje Edition. What can I say? Its been a busy past few weeks and there are some days where nothing but a Tatuaje will do. The biggest knock on the lancero size is that they are too expensive and don’t sell as well as other sizes. At $8.50 for a lancero and how fast these guys were gobbled up shows other manufacturers that if you blend it right; they will buy it.

CAO La Traviata Maduro – I probably talk about the CAO La Traviata line the most. When someone asks me for a solid cigar or a solid maduro at a reasonable price, the La Traviata line is always the first cigar that comes to mind. The La Traviata probably holds the record for most appearances here on Week in Smoke. What can I say? Its a great cigar at a great price. I’m still loving the Animados size even though I had a couple rocky experiences with it in the Maduro line. Solid cigar, solid price, an easy decision to always pick up.

Tastykake Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies – If you’ve been following me on Twitter and/or Facebook you will have noticed that I was diagnosed with a gluten allergy a few months ago. My saga to find gluten free versions of some of my favorite foods like fried chicken, pizza and chocolate chip cookies has been interesting. Its crazy when you think how so many things have gluten in them. Would you think that certain flavors of Gatorade contained gluten? The omelettes at IHOP? Its frustrating to say the least…thanks Tastykake for filling my chocolate chip cookie craving.

Zino Platinum Z Class – Surprisingly one of my favorite cigars and actually the only time I acquired a box based solely on a Brian Hewitt review. Impeccable construction, combination of molasses sweetness, savory roasted nuts and spice. Here and there I also picked up notes of the tell-tale powdery mustiness I taste in a lot of Davidoff products.

Perdomo Exhibicion – I’m not the biggest fan when it comes to Perdomo. Not because they don’t make solid, wonderful cigars but I refuse to spend money on them locally. I don’t want my local rep getting credit for the sale. I know its silly but for me Perdomo is the perfect example on how much your local rep matters. Which is a shame cause I thoroughly enjoyed this Exhibicion. I can never get the time of day from local rep at events let alone any kind of basic information. I always say 90% of the cigars I buy I buy locally, when I need to buy Perdomo it falls in the 10% I buy online.
I know the feeling of dealing with a food allergy, they suck. I’m allergic to shellfish (just the ones with claws), though instead of breaking out in a rash it would just send me into anaphylaxis… good thing I have an epipen! Still, it makes me a bit paranoid about eating anywhere that cooks the damn stuff, I think I’d rather have my allergy than a gluten allergy though, gluten is in just about everything it seems.
As to cigars, well, I can’t agree enough about the tatuaje verocu #5, I keep getting cabs, but they disappear so fast I’m starting to think I just need to make a dedicated coolerdor for nothing but them!
Nice list this week.. bro get your hands on a 2010 My Father LE.. as much as I love the ’11 it’s second to the 2010 for sure.. I knew guy that can grab 1 or 2 of these I think. Maybe I’ll grab one and shoot it to ya.. god that would be painful though lol. I’ve got one left that is my quintessental humidor queen! I can’t smoke the last one!
I’m also loving the Zino Z.. ALOT. Wish they were a tad more affordable though.