WTF iTunes?

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WTF iTunes?

This post is long overdue. Recently we’ve received a lot of questions about how to find us in the iTunes podcast directory. Well, you can’t. Thanks to our own Walt White and his “Donkey Punch” video we were removed from the iTunes Podcast Directory because of too many complaints and the video in question was considered to be “simulating sex” which is against their terms of use policy or whatever. Personally, I’m impressed with Walt. All these years I really thought it would be me who would get us in “hot water” and not quiet old Walt. LOL! Have no fear though, we are still there. If you are a current subscriber using iTunes then you haven’t noticed anything different. Your subscription should be updating as usual. If you are new and want to subscribe using iTunes or any podcast aggregator all you have to do is manually subscribe using our podcast URL:

In iTunes its really easy. Open iTunes and go to Advanced -> Subscribe to Podcast and paste in the above URL and you should be good to go. I imagine the process is similar with any other podcast aggregator software.

Also, don’t forget you can always visit the site from any iOS device as we’ve optimized the site for those devices. You can even play our embedded videos. All you have to do is rotate your iPhone, changing its orientation, and the black box you see should now have the “play” button in it for you to watch and enjoy.

10 thoughts on “WTF iTunes?

  1. Typical….I hate itunes. Totally crappy convoluted over hyped apple program. Love most Apple products. That one sucks.

  2. Thanks a lot for posting this Jerry, I’ve been so frustrated that I cannot find you guys on iTunes. Of course some dip-shits had to ruin things by complaining about it. *gasp* I used a naughty word…looks like I’ll disappear forever!

  3. Thanks for the heads up. I too have been looking for this. Maybe if Walt spent more time reviewing cigars instead of a silly puppet show this wouldn’t of happened? Your obvious attempt to for views has now inconvenienced your viewers.

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