Wrapper :Ecuadorian Habano Oscuro
Binder : 2 binders both secret
Filler : secret Nicaraguan
Source : local shop paid $22
Coming back to cigar reviews with a special edition cigar, the Rocky Patel Fifty. This cigar was produced to celebrate Rocky Patel’s fiftieth birthday and was in development for four years and uses tobacco that is aged at least eight years.
This cigar is produced in three sizes, Robusto (5×50), Toro (6 1/2×52) and a torpedo (6 1/8×52) with a limited production of 2,000 numbered boxes of each size.
Pricing on these, breathe slowly, is about $20 to $22 a piece per five pack or $17 to $20 if you buy a box. You can see, this is not one of my cheap smoke reviews.
Wrapper is a nice variegated chocolate brown color with a mild tobacco scent and a little sweetness on the cold draw.
Just a personal observation. I like the orange color on the band. It really stands out from the darker chocolate wrapper.
Flame on.
First Third
Starting out this Rocky Patel Fifty and it gives me tastes of leather and a sweet spice right up front. Mild cigar at this point.
After smoking just a little ways in, the power ramped up to the medium range and the leather was replaced by wood and a dark coffee taste. Spice was still sweet on the retrohale.
I started getting a sharp almost bitter taste right after exhaling the smoke. Might have been from the tobaccos used but they are secret, so I really do not know.
Rounding out the first third was a medium bodied cigar with full flavors of wood, coffee, sweet spice and a little of that sharp bitter. The sharp bitter did not hang around it just hits and goes.
Second Third
Puffing into the second third of this Rocky Patel Fifty with the body being a solid medium and the flavors still producing wood, coffee and the sweet spice. Some of the sweetness is showing up without retrohaling now and makes it a nice pleasant aftertaste on the palette.
We hit the full body range right now.
Flavors are really strong and tasting really nice. Getting the woody taste, spice, coffee and even a little bit of leather made its way back in.
There is not as much sweetness as it had before but it is still there.
Final Third
Heading down the final stretch of this Rocky Patel Fifty and the flavors are really nice and if you like a full bodied cigar, you would like it also. Like I have said a million times, I wish it would be in the medium range but it is still going good.
A little ways into the final third and the flavors started to get harsher and harsher.
I gave up at around the one inch mark due to the body ramping up considerably and the flavors being harsh.
Would I buy the Rocky Patel Fifty again? maybe. I could see having a couple in my humidor but it would be something I could not afford to buy a box of and would mainly get them to see how they do with age on them.
I hope you give them a try, especially if you like a full bodied cigar as it is something that once gone, you will not be able to get again.
Let me know in the comments if you had any, what you thought, or if you think you will look for them to try or age.
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Really enjoyed the review. I thought you did a nice job mike. I’m not sure if I would buy a box either I just think there are so many other great choices out there at that price range. I do however want to try one. I’ve never really been a fan of rocky but I always give it a try.
It is too “D” EXPENSIVE Rocky……..
Nice review mike. I dunno if I’m going to try this one. If I invest that much in a smoke I want it to blow me away. Not sure if I’m willing to chance it knowing what I can get for the same price or cheaper.
I wish he wouldn’t do that “secret” shit. Especially for that price, id like to know what im smoking. It may be stupid thinking on my part, but it just seems gimmicky to me. Like “oooooo I wonder what the secret tobacco is, I just HAVE to smoke it and find out, I’m so intrigued now. Maybe it’s a secret because it’s special!!!” haha.
I like some of his stuff, especially the sungrown. Not trying to sound negative. Regardless, solid review, nice to see u stepping up out of the 3 dollar range lately haha.
Good review, Mike, but too rich for my blood. $22 in a no-tax state for two-thirds of a decent stick is not my idea of value, no matter how limited it is. I agree with the “secret blend” stuff. It just seems like a marketing gimmick. It sure does look nice, but that’s what I thought of the Padilla Artemis, too…
I have to admit, if I’m spending $22 at a shop I’m walking out with 3 cigars minimum (cheap pr*ck). Thanks for taking one for the team! I have little interest in most of the RP offerings anyway so I wouldn’t even think of dropping that kind of coin on one cigar. Now if the $22 included a buffet….
My local B&M did not like/recommend these at all. I am a Rocky fan but I stick to 90,92, and Decades series.
The box is really interesting and vibrant!
Great Review but Rocky has to get his head outta his A$$. Rocky in case you did not know, The Country is “HURTING” pretty bad. Keep doing what you do best and make some $6 – $10 range.
I love some Rocky Patel cigars but he has yet to make anything that I feel deserves that kind of price tag. Then again, I don’t think that much deserve a price tag like that.
This smoke just hit every note perfect for me. I wouldn’t buy a box (because of price), but will probably smoke one every other week or so until they are gone. I think it’s worth the price of 2 smokes every once in a while.
I like the complexity I’m hearing you talk about. Unusual for a RP cigar and I love RP cigars. Seems priced for a special occasion and sounds like he hit the mark with the blend.
I’ll have to try one but won’t get a box for obvious reasons 🙂
Hmmm…sounds like an interesting cigar. One that I probably pick up one to try but why spend $22 on this when I could spend $21 on a Davidoff Special R and have some left over for a soda. LOL.
Nice review Mike…one of your best IMO.
i can respect those who refuse to try this cigar because of the price tag. i’m also the kind of person who thinks that a $20 price tag isn’t worth it for any cigar…when buying them in bulk.
on the other hand, i can also sympathize with those who are fans of RP cigars and would shell out the $20 (at least once) just to try it. a $20 cigar isn’t necessarily meant to sell by the box. i’m sure rocky would love it if people bought them that way, but i’m also sure he doesn’t expect it. it’s a special occasion price. for that reason i picked one up a couple of months ago and will smoke it for my birthday in about a month-and-a-half. i’m curious about whether or not i’ll like it.
Nice review, Mike. Not sure if I’ll break out the dough for one of these but, who knows?!
I would buy a Monte #2 or a nice cuban before buying this one
Have to disagree with your review…I found this stick terrible. Simply terrible with 0 redeeming qualities. Had MAJOR burn issues through out and the blend was totally bland and flavorless through out. The biggest hit I have is how can anyone smoke this blend and think “wow what a great $20 spent!” Terrible blend,terrible price,terrible burn,terrible flavor,and total waste of time and money.