This is the second of three videos for the CAO Last Stick Standing contest. Basically there are three cigars, the one with the most votes, wins and becomes a future release sometime in 2013. Walt, Brian, Charlie and I all received a container of the three contenders and we wondered what the best way to present all of our opinions. We thought about centering a YQMA style video where we all smoke the cigar at the same time but in the end we decided on this format where each of us record a short video separately and then the videos are spliced into one video. Recording separately was thought best so that no one influenced anyone else’s opinion.
Video runs a little over 15 minutes. Unlike with the “C” our take on the “A” wasn’t unanimous. The majority of us liked the “A” much more than the “C” and some of us had some construction problems with the thin, delicate wrapper.
These separate video compilations are really growing on me now, despite my preference for joint reviews. I really like this concept for coming up with a new release, good move on CAO’s part. Not to mention Brian’s hat = badass.
Just for you, I may just wear it again in the next video.
I enjoyed the video a lot. The four-sum should done more this cigar review…… The CAO Cigars have similar favors profile like The OSA’s (54) cigar.
Good job guy’s, liked it, should do this more often.
Thanks again guys for taking the time to check out the LSS cigars. You’re showing the challenge that faces all manufacturers in developing a cigar that pleases everyone. Jerry thought it was pretty good, and likes it better than the more full bodied (or medium bodied) C cigar. Walt has some preconceptions going in given the GCC origins, but then is pleasantly surprised when a mild stick wows him. Charlie has the “meh” reaction that a lot of more full bodied smokers give to a milder cigar. And Brian has a tough time getting past a bad stick that is hopefully the exception to the norm (Brian, hit me on Twitter and we can get you a replacement).
Rick developed the three of these very differently, with different characteristics to try to hone in on some particular nuances and which ones appeal to people most. C is totally different than A is totally different than O. That’s what’s fun about this promo. There’s something for everyone and it starts some great conversations about palates, preferences, and appearances – and hopefully helps us understand what’s most important for folks.
Keep it up – looking forward to the O conversation.
Thaks Ed, I may just do that. I’d like to try it again.
I too am looking forward to your ‘O’ faces.
Great video compilation gentlemen. I really enjoyed this format and after seeing this video, I agree with the choice to do independent reviews. I think this format avoids a group think consensus and allows for palate preferences to be explored.
This cigar sounds like a solid blend but I’m not so sure I’d be able to taste pineapple so I blame Brian on having a margarita hangover haha
I like this format you guys did. I did the event last week. I too liked the A best, a bit mild for my usual taste but it had the best flavor of the bunch. Had construction problems with the C and a bit with the A, but not that bad, put it up to them being pre-production smokes.