For Walt

Personal16 Comments on For Walt

For Walt

It has been a crazy 2013 so far for us here at The Stogie Review Family. It is hard to put into words all the emotions. What we wouldn’t give for the problems of the past where our biggest worry was whether the server would stay up for IPCPR. Walt and I have formed a very special relationship over the course of the past seven years. Calling him a friend or a brother, would be putting it mildly. It is actually remarkable how close he and I are as we only see each other only a couple times a year. I can’t speak for him but I think I text him more than I do my own wife and it is funny because most of the time, it isn’t about cigars. Its about family, our daughters, work, dinner, gardening, Teen Mom and Catfish. You get what I’m saying right?

It isn’t my place to share the details but a good friend feels the pain that the other is feeling. I often go back and read comments left when The Little Robusto passed and how on a bad day, reading a kind word can help wipe the tears away. I hope this post serves as that for you.

Anyway, Walt, I’m thinking of you and your family.


16 thoughts on “For Walt

  1. So well put, Jerry.

    My thoughts are with you and your family, Walt.

    Friendship is definitely a two-way street, and you are indeed fortunate to have each other to lean on. All the best to you both.

  2. Jerry,
    I’m at a loss for words, I don’t know what to say besides thank you. It means a lot to me to have someone close that can lend a hand through a trying time. Even if it is to pass the time by talking about a television show two adult males have no business watching.

    Last week, my mother lost her battle with cancer. While I’ve shared a great deal of my life over the past seven years, this was something I wasn’t comfortable sharing right away. My mom had an aggressive cancer that did a lot of damage in a short period of time. The only fortunate aspect of this was that she was not suffering and in pain for very long.

    I have a lot of fond memories with my Mom. She will be missed.

  3. So sorry for your loss, Walt. My prayers will be with you and your family! I’m going to light up something nice in her honor tonight.

  4. Walt as a cigar smoker/ fellow shooter, I learned a lot from you over the years and continue to learn, but as your friend, I’m very sorry for your loss, and my heart goes out to you and your family, I’m only around the corner if you or your family ever needs anything. God speed.

  5. As a faithful reader of the I have come to think of you, Jerry, Mike, etc. all as extended family even though I have never met any of you. Please accept my deepest condolences Walt on the loss of your mother. The bond between a mother and son is very special and it cannot be measured in words. Tonight I will clip a good cigar and raise a glass of my finest whiskey and toast your mother and all those mothers out there that helped us grow to be the men we are today. Take care of yourself Walt.

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