Out for a Walk with an Oliva Serie G Maduro

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Out for a Walk with an Oliva Serie G Maduro

Oliva Serie G - Take a Cigar for a Walk

Several years ago our friend Craig of CigarCraig.com rolled out a feature on his blog in which he called “Take a Cigar for a Walk“.

Today the premise was to incorporate a cigar into Craig’s fitness routine which he usually boost with natural supplements like this one, check this review. I know, that sounds counterproductive but stick with me… The beauty is that it is a simple yet effective system for enjoying a cigar and getting in a little exercise at the same time. Admittedly, I don’t do a whole lot of walking for leisure or exercise. I’ve started a running routine recently but the thought of running around my neighborhood with a cigar clinched between my teeth is comical.

Craig started a walking routine and used the cigar as a tool for increasing time and distance and to hikes with my new Keen boots. Once around the neighborhood and still plenty of cigar left – better do another lap. Two laps and still more to smoke – let’s make it a third lap then.

The beauty is that it is a simple yet effective system for enjoying a cigar and getting in a little exercise at the same time. Admittedly, I don’t do a whole lot of walking for leisure or exercise. I’ve started a running routine recently but the thought of running around my neighborhood with a cigar clinched between my teeth is comical.

Running has been rough going and I’ve had a few hurdles along the way. Achilles Tendonitis and Shin Splints both suck but I’m determined to keep progressing. Last night, rather than push the envelope and go for a run, I took a page out of Craig’s book and took a cigar for a walk.

It wasn’t the most leisurely stroll (I tend to walk with a purpose

enjoying cigars since 2005

9 thoughts on “Out for a Walk with an Oliva Serie G Maduro

  1. I take my dog for a walk and light up a cigar, its a nice excuse for me to get out have a cigar and get the dog some walking in.

    I had some pain running and I adopted this method and has really helped, check it out if you get some time.

  2. Anything that motivates you is a good thing! When it is nice outside, I sometimes do a workout at home, roll my power blocks out in the drive way and smoke a cigar. Nothing wrong with it as long as it helps you do something. Tunes, cigar, and a walk, sounds like a good end to a day to get rid of all the stress. I know working out helps me get my frustrations out. Good luck and hope your injuries get better.

    1. Frank,
      The tendinitis is definitely improving. I’ve been keeping the pace way down and following up with ice – which has been keeping me mostly pain free and active.

  3. I’ve been following Cigar Craig for several years now, and I’ve always enjoyed reading about his cigar walks. Nice to see him mentioned here.

    1. Lloyd,
      I don’t remember where I first met Craig but we don’t live terribly far apart. We bump into one another at events from time to time. He is a nice guy, I’ve been following his blog for quite a while.

      Admittedly, I don’t follow it as closely as I used to. When Google Reader was killed off I lost contact with a lot of the sites that I used to read regularly.

  4. Hey, whatever works, works. It’s hard to find time to relax *and* work out, so I totally can see why he’d pair them together. I still think I’d prefer to sit and relax with a good smoke. Smoking a cigar as a reward for a good workout seems another way to go.

  5. I like to take short walks in the woods with a stick as well. I have a new appreciation for Oliva stuff, I wrote most of their stuff off except for the serie V but was pleasantly surprised with this maduro and the CT. It’s nice to have a inexpensive go-to maduro!

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