The Tortuga Cigars brand isn’t a household name…to me. Until a couple weeks ago I never heard of it and if it wasn’t for George Brightman of W.Curtis Draper I would’ve ignored it on the shelf of their Bethesda MD location. As typical with my generation of cigar smoker, you walk into your shop and […]
An Afternoon with Ernesto Perez Carrillo
When I think back to what I was smoking when I first started enjoying cigars there are a handful of cigars that come to mind. One of them was the El Rico Habano and another was the La Gloria Cubana Serie R. I’m pretty sure at the time, I had no idea who actually made […]
Week in Smoke – TGT Edition
I’m switching things up and am going to start publishing my Week in Smoke on my Monday spot. With so much going on I like to devote as much of the weekend to family time (although as I type this I’m at W.Curtis Draper watching football). So my Thursday spot will now be my review […]
An Evening with Benji Menendez
Last week Benji Menendez was in town visiting both locations of W.Curtis Draper. Since I had to cancel my participation in the blogger trip with General Cigar down to the Dominican Republic I made plans with the folks at General to get time with Benji while he was visiting. I’ll be honest. I wasn’t sure […]
Benji Menendez Event Pictorial
Now that the site is back to normal its time to catchup on content. As you know, master blender Benji Menendez has been in my area this week. On Tuesday he was at W.Curtis Draper-Bethesda. Charlie was cool enough to make the drive down from Wilmington DE and my new friend Lanh joined me for […]
Well We Are Back
Its been a crazy past couple days. First I’d like to apologize for the site and fan forums being down. The issue started with our site being hit hard by a DDoS attack and instead of just shutting things down till the attacker(s) moved on to another target we decided to fight back by giving […]
Week in Smoke – TGT Edition
Like I said earlier, I shouldn’t be here writing this post. I should be soaking up the nice Caribbean weather with other cigar bloggers who are visiting the Dominican Republic. So now I’m just mad, bitter and jealous. LOL. Just kidding, such is life. I wish all the other bloggers a safe trip. No need […]
Benji Menendez in the DC/Baltimore Area
I’m not supposed to be here. I’m supposed to be in the Dominican Republic with other bloggers as guests of General Cigars, smoking poolside with Benji Menendez. I was all set to go and then this little thing called a disaster at work entered into the picture causing me to cancel my travel plans at […]
Ask The Readers: Tatuaje Monster Series
Over the weekend, the Unlucky 13 retailer list that will carry an allotment of the dress box of the The Wolfman was released on the Saints and Sinners forums with several blogs publishing the list a few days later. Just like it does every year, it causes a firestorm of reaction amongst the cigar community, […]
3rd Annual Little Puff Recovery Lunch Pictorial (2011)
For the third year, CAO Cigars has hosted the Little Puff Recovery Lunch. A couple firsts this year. This is the first Recovery Lunch for CAO Cigars as part of General Cigars and this is the first Recovery Lunch hosted at the new Bethesda MD location of W.Curtis Draper. Featuring a complete spread by Bill’s […]