Tag: Gurkha

Week in Smoke

Brian’s The Week In Smoke, Issue 121

I hope this holiday season finds you safe, happy, and acceptably overfed with a fine cigar in your hand and several more waiting in your humidor.  Either that, or an active imagination that can fill in the gaps.  We all have gaps that need filling in.  You know, I think I’m going to stop right […]

Events IPCPR2018

IPCPR 2018: Complete Digest

And now, our coverage of IPCPR 2018 is complete. We hope you have enjoyed the videos. As is tradition, here is our complete list of interviews for your convenience. Enjoy! Now it’s time to get back to our regular cigar review programming.

Events IPCPR2018

IPCPR 2018: Gurkha

We dropped by the Gurkha booth again this year, and Carlos Llaca Torano took us on a tour of the latest cigars. We started with the Ghost Gold extension to the popular Ghost line. It sports and Ecuadorian Habano Rosado wrapper and has a pigtail and closed foot. Next we look at the Marquesa, which […]

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