IPCPR 2008 – Day 3

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IPCPR 2008 – Day 3

My apologies for the delay in a day three wrapup. After the show Jesse and I took advantage of the free drinks at the Camacho party and spent some time at a bar within the Venetian. It lead to a late return to the hotel which ultimately put this post on hold.

On day three Brian and I managed to get a couple of videos done and were happy with the turnout. As mentioned previously, Miami Cigars has acquired Bahia Cigars. This news was given to us first in the interview with Nestor.

Later on during the show I spoke with Miami Cigars rep and learned that to commemorate an upcoming anniversary (I believe it to be their 40th) Jose Blanco and Don Pepin Garcia are set to create a special cigar. It is unsure at this time if it will be a limited production run.

While cutting through the Cigar Family booth, Brian and I were called aside by Forbidden Johnny. Johnny is the man behind the Forbidden X in a Bottle rarity. We conducted a quick video with Johnny and got to have several samples of the extremely expensive ($600.00 per bottle at Casa Fuente) and very tasty spirit.

Towards the end of the show Brian and I got the chance to shoot a quick video with Glen Case of exclusive cigars. Glen shared some information about the Kistof cigar and was very generous with his time.

The wrap up the evening Brian and I spoke with Gene Arganese and Joe from the Sopranos about their upcoming cigar.

enjoying cigars since 2005

6 thoughts on “IPCPR 2008 – Day 3

  1. Walt,

    Between you and Jerry, Stogie Review did a nice job of keeping us up-to-speed on what was going on at IPCPR. The interviews didn’t seem to work out real well in terms of quality of sound on the video, but I am far more interested in the cigars anyway. I imagine next year you will be even better (if you go again). Thanks, and keep up the good work.

  2. Hey did anyone mention that the sound in the videos sucked? Just kidding! This is for Jerry who got his panties in a bunch over on Twitter about our post regarding the sound.

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