Happy new year!
With every new year comes the ever so popular “New Years Resolutions”. For me, in regards to cigars, I want to make it a point to smoke at least 3 new cigars per month. I try to do this on a regular basis anyway, but I want to start picking up cigars I would generally overlook due to price or popularity and give them a fair shot just like I would anything else.
So what is your cigar related news years resolution?
Happy New Year Walt and Family. 🙂
My New Years Resolution is to realize I don’t need to buy every cigar I see, and to actually smoke some of the ones I already have. 😉
Happy new year Walt and crew! Borrowing from Steve, I meed to start smoking the cigars I already have instead of constantly buying new ones as well. My humidor is full of smokes that I like, but I rarely smoke a lot of them. It doesn’t make sense…
Happy New Year Walt. I like your New Years resolution and will probably mirror yours a bit. What I like to do is find a list of Top 20 cigars like http://cigarfan.wordpress.com/category/cigar-reviews/
See if I can smoke one of those throughout the year or something very similiar if I can’t 🙂 Also I’ve added your list of top 5 cigars heh. Variety is the spice of life and all that.