Happy New Year

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Happy New Year

Happy new year!

from all of us here at Stogie Review

With every new year comes the ever so popular “New Years Resolutions”. For me, in regards to cigars, I want to make it a point to smoke at least 3 new cigars per month. I try to do this on a regular basis anyway, but I want to start picking up cigars I would generally overlook due to price or popularity and give them a fair shot just like I would anything else.

So what is your cigar related news years resolution?

enjoying cigars since 2005

3 thoughts on “Happy New Year

  1. Happy New Year Walt and Family. 🙂

    My New Years Resolution is to realize I don’t need to buy every cigar I see, and to actually smoke some of the ones I already have. 😉

  2. Happy new year Walt and crew! Borrowing from Steve, I meed to start smoking the cigars I already have instead of constantly buying new ones as well. My humidor is full of smokes that I like, but I rarely smoke a lot of them. It doesn’t make sense…

  3. Happy New Year Walt. I like your New Years resolution and will probably mirror yours a bit. What I like to do is find a list of Top 20 cigars like http://cigarfan.wordpress.com/category/cigar-reviews/

    See if I can smoke one of those throughout the year or something very similiar if I can’t 🙂 Also I’ve added your list of top 5 cigars heh. Variety is the spice of life and all that.


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