Contest: Win a Box of Pinar del Rio 1878 Cubano Especial Cigars

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Contest: Win a Box of Pinar del Rio 1878 Cubano Especial Cigars

PDR 1878 - 1

A few days ago I was on Facebook talking with Abe Flores of Pinar del Rio. We talked about a variety of things and Abe made mention of wanting to spread the word about his new line of cigars. I suggested that giving away a box would go a long way in spreading the word and he was more than happy to provide us with a box of PDR 1878 Cubano Especial Cigars to offer as a contest prize.

In the contest department we both drew a blank and I told him that I’d talk to the guys and come up with something. After talking to Jerry, he had an idea so crazy that I thought it might just work. With my wife and I expecting in less than a month, he suggested we run a contest to come up with a cigar related baby nick-name.

So for the contest, all we ask is that you head down to the comment section and suggest a baby name. My wife and I have decieded to pass on learning the sex of the baby early. This works in your benefit and allows you to enter twice. Suggest one nick-name for a boy and one for a girl. The two names that are off-limits are Petit Corona and Little Robusto

All entrants must reside in the continental United States. Two entries per person (one entry for a boy and one entry for a girl). All entries must be in by July 1, 2010. A winner will be selected and announced shortly after.

After entering the contest, please take a moment to visit the Pinar del Rio website and show Abe a little love for being so generous with a box of fine cigars.

Contest Sponsored by Pinar del Rio Cigars

enjoying cigars since 2005

110 thoughts on “Contest: Win a Box of Pinar del Rio 1878 Cubano Especial Cigars

  1. A few names of certain vitolas come to mind of particular cigars.
    1-Love Affair (opus x)-before he or she wakes you up a million times in the middle of the night
    2-La Pesadilla (dark corojo)-after about three months of no sleep

  2. It says ‘All entries must be in by June 1, 2010.’ Does this mean July 1?

    Mine are:
    1.) El Artista Bambino
    2.) El PURITOS

  3. Girl – “Mareva” (more commonly known as Petite Corona)
    Boy – “Fortaleza” (the strength of a cigar)

  4. June 1st? So it already expired? lol

    Girl- lil’ JuneBug
    Boy- Boogie

    I know not cigar talk… No matter, what best of luck! It is amaizng how strong our wives are. When my little Taco was born man I don’t know if I was more impressed with him or my wife. Good Luck!

    Thanks for the contest Abe and Walt!

  5. First of all, best wishes to you and your wife. Children are so precious!
    Okay, here are my cigar-related name suggestions:
    I hope you and your wife will pick one of them!

    1. Sorry Walt. When you said Jerry came up with the idea I had him in mind when picking the nick-name for a boy. DUH!
      Please disregard the previous comment and I’ll try this again.

      Girl – Rosada
      Boy – Duke (RyJ Habana)

  6. Boy – Xikar- Only because it sounds cool almost like some sort of comic book hero
    Girl – Bella – After the CAO Flavours cigar

  7. How about for a boy= Pilon
    and for a girl= Chaveta
    These are a little different, but still have to do with cigar tobacco, and tools. 😉

  8. Boy – Mi torito loco
    Girl – Mi perfecta

    Also, congrats again, Walt.

    (and as an aside, those who haven’t tried this stick…buy it. It’s fucking fantastic).

  9. Girl – Noella (tatuaje noella)
    Boy – Bombone (Illusione 68 aka “bombone.”)

    congrats man! I hope everything goes well for you and your wife!

  10. Walt,

    Name for a girl’s…….Julieta (Romeo y Julieta Edicion Limitada)

    Name for a boy’s……..Habano

  11. Hmmm…

    Wish I knew your prospective name list, so I could better tailor the nick… (for example, were the name “Anne” a contender, I might suggest “Anilla,” pronounced “un-knee-ya,” which is a Cuban word for the cigar band; fleshing it out: Anilladora is the girl who puts the band on the cigars!).

    Philosophically, a nick should be sharp, concise, a lil bit funny, and something you’d actually say. Also something you can play around with, i.e., play variations, associations (see above: you could yell, “Hey C’mere ya liddle Anille! My leetle Anilladora? I adore ya!” and so on… Plus, when she gets growed up a little–ALL chillun like to use cigar bands as rings, so you’d be able to involve her whilst playing with her nickname).

    But w/o further info, I offer the following:

    Nah: after all the above explanation, I offer up “Anille” as the girl’s nick (I was gonna go with Curly Head–a certain kind of cigar finishing and a nick which offers up all the potential noted above PLUS mebbe der bebe has some curly hair… I dunno… but I talked myself into Anille).

    For der boy? Punk.

    You’re gonna call him Punk anyway — and sometimes he’s gonna act like one! Punk in the combustible sense is something most often used to light fireworks (you know: smoldering tinder-type stuff an’ like that), but some folks I know keep a punk around when lighting a succession of small stogies… Also: Punk gives you some variation possibilities: Punkin’ (“Hey dere my little pumpy-kins!”), punk-o-rama, “Hey, d’jou just get outta Punkville? Get on over here a’fore I punk ya upside da noggin’!

    But, most importantly–it don’t matter WHAT you call ’em; just love ’em, wrassle ’em, lead ’em, and love ’em. Congrats!

  12. Girl – mi coleta poco (spainsh for my little pigtail)
    Boy – mi cohiba
    Congrats guys…our 6th child is due Sept. 21st!!!

  13. For a boy – Humo (spanish for smoke…I think)
    For a girl – Ria (like Rio as in Pinar del Rio, but sounds more feminine)

  14. Congratulations to you and your wife!! Life will never be the same from here on out.. It will be quite the adventure. It was definitely one for me. Prepare for a piece of your heart to be touched like never before.

    Boy or Girl: Knuckles (short for knucklehead)
    My daughter always got a kick out of it when I would call her that.

  15. For the girl, how about Gloria. As in La Gloria Cubana.
    And for the boy, Winston. As in Winston Churchill.

    Congrats Walt, and thank you for the great reviews. Keepem’ commin’.

    1. Just realized someone already said Gloria. Another name for a girl, Lola. As in La Gloria Cubana, La Traviata, La Aurora, La Reloba Seleccion, La Aroma de Cuba…ect.

      Thanks again Walt

  16. Contest:

    Boy – Little Nub
    Girl – Rosada Especiale

    Great site! (I still have major envy for Jerry’s 300 ct humidor!!)

    Keep up the good work!

  17. for the girl: Ligera
    for the boy: Lil’ Puncher!

    congratulations! we’re expecting our first in November.

  18. First of all, congratulations to you and your wife, Walt.

    For a girl how about Petit corona.

    For a boy what about Little lonsdale.

  19. First off, congrats to your wife and yourself. You have no idea what you’re in for! You’ll love it, though. I’m sure.
    Boy- Diesel
    Girl- Perla, as in in 4in x 40 ring gauge.
    Either or- Vega as in a tobacco plantation.

  20. Boy – Give him the middle name “Upmann” and refer to him by his First Initial- Upmann
    Girl – Anything I could think of that was worthwhile has already been mentioned.

  21. Boy: Opus (Opie for short/public name. also tell him to name his first son Opus and then his first son and so on until the tenth Opus arrives, then you have an Opus X in your geneology! Then they can stop)
    Girl: Pepinita (It’s actually a name.. I made it up then google’d it. Of course it could also be translated -roughly of course- to tiny Pepin)


  22. Girl: maddie cru (like maduro grand cru)
    Boy: bundle ‘o ‘mo (bundle of perdoMO)

    grand cru reference since it supposed to be like the best.

    either way, good luck with the bundle of joy your child will be.

  23. Awesome contest!
    For a girl- Dela Lucia (Nickname Del)
    For a boy- Ashton Haze (NIckname Ash)

    Best of luck!!

  24. I am actually really looking forward to the choice! Not so much for the winner, but just to see what nick the lil bean is a’gonna get saddled with! (Hey–any late entry should take *Nick*! Short for Nickname, Nicholas and, of course, the magic Vitamin N!).

    Go bay-bee, go bay-bee, go bay-bee, GO!

  25. Now that this contest is officially closed, my wife and I will take a look at the entries and select a winner. My apologies for the delay but the new addition to our family has had us plenty busy. There should be a post announcing the winner by the end of the week.

    A big thank you to all that entered.

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