Year: 2010


Oliva Serie V Maduro Especial 2010

With everything going on lately, it’s been pretty easy for the 2010 edition of the Oliva Serie V Maduro to sneak onto the shelves undetected. You’ve got the new sticks from the trade show still trickling in, the always heavily anticipated Halloween special edition cigars, and, if you follow politics, one of the longest, most […]


Nestor Miranda Art Deco Gran Toro

Though it’s not officially released yet, small quantities of the Art Deco have been sneaking onto the shelves of select retailer(s) in a low-key bundled format recently. As a result, I’ve had the opportunity to smoke a number of Nestor Miranda’s stylish new smokes, at retail, since IPCPR. And as we all learn quickly, trade […]

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