Its been awhile and I don’t want the Flickr images to get out of control although, I’ve haven’t been on a smoking rampage as of late. For those of you who don’t follow me on Twitter; 1) you should follow me and 2) I’m in the last semester of for my BS in Information Systems Management. So on top of work, family, Stogie Review I have three classes this semester. Such is life. A full plate to keep me busy for sure. But after this semester, I’m fucking done! Maybe I’ll rent out W.Curtis Draper Bethesda for a graduation party! Anyway, later this week are the Little Puff events by W.Curtis Draper and in like three weeks, I’ll be with a dozen or so other bloggers in the Dominican again. Lets hope lobster is in season and no one gets married this time…

La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor – Surprisingly a repeat appearance on Week in Smoke for the Mi Amor. I’m constantly rethinking the Mi Amor. Mentally I always think I’m not a fan and never pick any up but when I find one laying around in the humidor I’m always impressed. Wasn’t a fan when it was initially released but I continue to go back to it and it keeps getting better than the one before it. Reasonably priced with a milk chocolate and cedar flavor profile make the Mi Amor a cigar that is becoming a staple in my humidor…when I remember that I like it so much. Its a mental thing I guess.

AJ Fernandez Signature Series ? – Why the question mark? Cause to be honest; I don’t know. If my memory serves me correctly, this was offered by Cigars International and the Series came in three different wrappers. Maduro, Habano and Sumatra? When I smoked it, it tasted like a maduro but when I looked at my review of A.Fernandez Signature Series Maduro, this doesn’t look like it and the cigar is no longer carried on Cigars International’s website. Which is too bad. As I rather enjoyed this one.

CAO OSA Sol – I know I ragged on the Lot 54 size but this was my last one and it looked funny sitting next to the Lot 50’s so it had to go…up in smoke. The superstar of this cigar is still its bright tasting wrapper. I love it! Rumor has it that a Animados-ish size is in the works but no plans to do a lancero not even as a limited edition for hardcore fans or a special available at OSA Nation events. Still a cool idea.

Macanudo Cru Royale – Go ahead, I’ll wait…I know I know…now that the laughter has subsided I’ll explain. Along with the CAO OSA Sol that seemed to continuously arrive, I also got a bunch of those Macanudo Millionaire sample packs. I think I was supposed to use them as a giveaway on the site but since its been awhile since I smoked anything from Macanudo I decided to keep them for myself. I know, what a weasel move…such is life. To be honest, I gotta say, the Macanudo Cru Royale was surprisingly, okay and bordering on pretty good. Didn’t like the ginormous size but enjoyed them nonetheless. Its very un-Macanudo like which in my opinion, is a good thing. Look at Macanudo being all edgy. Although, the two colors that should never go on a cigar band are blue and green. Green worked for the OSA…blue not so much on the Cru Royale. But then again, I can barely dress myself so who am I to talk right?

Illusione ~mj12~ – Its been too long since I smoked anything from Dion and I have no idea why. I haven’t had a ~mj12~ since it didn’t really do anything for me when I reviewed it last year. Either age has done this cigar wonders or my memory of not digging it has faded because, I enjoyed the ~mj12~ this time around. Its from that same box I bought then too. So who knows. The bigger ring gauge wasn’t as airy and the flavor profile wasn’t as watered down as I remember. Lost of roasted nutty flavors and dark chocolate flavors really shined and the little tasting of pepper was an added bonus.

EP Carrillo New Wave Connecticut – It doesn’t get much better than this and I’m not just talking in the context of Connecticut Shade wrappers. The New Wave Connecticut impressively smokes uniquely different than any other Connecticut Shade out there. With its fully defined and complex flavor profile you’d never guess this was a Connecticut. I’m sure it would surprise the most seasoned cigar smoker who was blind folded (a true blind cigar tasting). Plenty of woodsy flavors with a nice smooth buttery texture. Mmmmm…

Emilio AF1 – Along with the Grimalkin, the AF1 is the most talked about blend from Gary Griffith and Emilio Cigars. Man what a outstanding cigar made by AJ Fernandez (the AF part of the name). Full strength, full flavor. If you liked the full flavor of the Grimalkin but wanted something with the same body but more strength; the Emilio AF1 is it. Now Gary will say the AF2 is a little more toned down than the AF1 but my experience has been different with the AF2 making me sweat.

La Casita Criolla by Tatuaje Cigars – Still in the hunt for Cigar of the Year or at least a Top 5 showing is the La Casita Criolla. Probably the most unique, flavorful cigar on the market right now (although the Alec Bradley Black Market could probably give it a run). This cigar never gets old and its short format is just the right size that I can fit it in any situation (thats what she said).

Urbano Corojo – I first heard of Urbano Cigars when we talked with Matt Urbano at IPCPR. I didn’t realize that I had one more of these so it was a pleasant surprise when I found one in my humidor. While I haven’t tried the other two wrappers (Sumatra & Connecticut) the Corojo makes an impressive performance. A distinct nutty and woodsy flavor. Very smooth but yet hearty and engaging. Like I said, impressive. Love the reddish hue of the wrapper and the bouquet of aromas that linger in the air when you spark one up.
I’m really surprised to hear you found the AF2 to have more strength than the AF1. I’ve had the opposite experience; I found the AF1 to be full strength, while I could smoke the AF2 every day.
Maybe you’re just allergic to Pennsylvania ligero? Haha
That AJ Fernandez Signature has a different label than the ones I have had, it also has the second band that is being used on the new AJ Fernandez Fresh Rolled sticks…I am very interested to know what that stick is. I think the Sumatra wrapper is only available in the salomon size now…
Ahhhh, the New Wave……my new love. My favorite connecticut shade, by far. If only the regular Core line were as good…. I agree with you about the Mi Amor. The more I smoke it, the more I like it….Thanks for the review. Still love the week in smoke posts.
Congrats to you in advance for your impressive accomplishment Jerry. I can feel ya on how difficult in can be to try to balance work, friends & school. On top of that, you’re still able to contribute here on SR? That’s just simply amazing to me. Kudos x 1000000 to you
I definitely know what you mean about juggling everything when getting a degree. At one point while working on my masters I was working full time, planning my wedding, working part time, and school. It was crazy!!!! Great post!
The EPC New Wave is my cigar of the year.
A good review by The Great Torpedo, Have you smoked TheTatuaje TAA? Would you give us a review? I smoked today and It wasn’t a great stick. It’s higher than an average cigar.