5th Annual Smoke a JJ for JJ Day

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5th Annual Smoke a JJ for JJ Day


We are less than a month away. This is always a bitter sweet time of year. I find myself always looking forward to this year but at the same time, dreading the emotional roller coaster it triggers. If you remember my post last year about Three Things I Know to Be True (Cigars Edition) you will remember I wrote how cigars can be a band aid. I wrote:

When I’m in the dumps missing the Little Robusto. I’ll step outside, light a cigar and relive the million gracious smiles JJ blessed us with. Sarah Kay says she writes poems to figure things out…I smoke cigars to relive gone but not forgotten smiles. Cigars can be a band aid.

This time of year is one of those “band aid” moments. With Gracie (my Petite Corona) becoming a little chatter box I often find myself day dreaming what JJ’s voice would be like. Would he be playing with matchbox cars or be more into painting like his sister? He’d be starting kindergarten this fall. Five years and you can’t help but wonder…

July 22nd is the 5th Annual Smoke a JJ for JJ Day. This year is a bit different in two ways. First there is the “Little Robusto” cigar thanks to My Father Cigar and The Little Robusto Project. Secondly, on Friday July 20th at W.Curtis Draper DC and Saturday July 21st at W.Curtis Draper Bethesda I’ll be in store and hopefully be able to enjoy a Little Robusto with many of you.

If you’d like more information on The Little Robusto Project and where to order The Little Robusto please take a moment to read The Story of The Little Robusto Project. That link contains the story as well as the retailers who carry The Little Robusto. But the event is simple, whenever/wherever on July 22nd, spark up a DPG Series JJ and enjoy the time. If you don’t have a Series JJ, no worries. I’ll be thankful for any cigar smoked in JJ’s memory.

I can never fully express my gratitude to all of you who participate. Whether this is your first year, fifth year or somewhere in between…thank you for the band aid.

22 thoughts on “5th Annual Smoke a JJ for JJ Day

  1. Jerry my friend, I will smoke a JJ on the 22nd and many more smokes in your son’s honor. I haveing been so lucky as to just become a father in the past 2 years know what its like to feel the love of your child and to love him back. My heart goes out to you on this special day and hope that you and yours will be able to celebrate his life. I was told once that God only takes you once you have fullfilled your duty on Earth. Some where up there he is sitting in a Cigar lounge watching down on his loving family. God Speed.

  2. jerry, i can’t be there with you to smoke one, but i will diff be sitting here smoking a little robusto that day!!!

  3. Just realized that I was out. Just place an order so I’ll be set come the 22nd. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your’s.

  4. I feel bad celebrating on this day, as celebrating another year of life feels so insignificant in comparison to one cut short.. I don’t have a JJ, but my birthday smoke will be in his honor. Long ashes, my friend.

  5. I feel the same way as Rodger. It breaks my heart to relive your tragedy, however it also makes me feel better knowing that all of us smoking a serie JJ in solidarity really uplifts you and your family.

  6. Got a couple aging in my humidor waiting for the 22nd. We will be raising a glass and toasting a couple in little JJ’s memory.

    Blessings on you and your family, Jerry.


  7. Hey Jerry, my wife and I had our first baby boy January 16 of this year and not a day goes by that I don’t think about you and your little robusto jj. All I can say is you have a lot of fellow botl with you, including me! I’m in.

  8. Hey Jerry, I have a JJ waiting to smoke in your son’s honor. Thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family, friend.

  9. Jerry, this is my second year joining in and as I related before I feel a bond with JJ. Not that you and I ever met, but JJ and I share birthdays (however many, many years apart). Although I was not able to get my hands on any of the “Little Robusto” I do have a series JJ to smoke and reflect on your loss and remembrance. May your Petite Corona give you years and years of continued joy.

  10. Blessings to you and the family, Jerry! We did it up right yesterday for your Little Robusto.

  11. Just lit up a Camacho Liberty 2010 in honor of JJ! Looking forward to meeting the little guy in Heaven someday.

  12. Smoked a Little Robusto a couple of hours ago in honor of JJ. A very nice cigar for a great cause. Wishing you and your family much deserved inner peace.

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