Cigar Dinner with LFD

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Cigar Dinner with LFD

Cigar Dinner with LFD

I have a treat for you this week as I give you a little look at a cigar dinner my local shop, Genuine Tobacco, put together with La Flor Dominicana, Union Station Grill and Mirus Financial Partners. If you do not know what a cigar dinner is, well, it is a dinner with cigars before, after and in-between courses (seriously, you probably figured that out yourself but for Brian Hewitt’s sake, I included the description). Of course your shop may do things differently but this is the way the night went at Union Station Grill.

Sponsors (600x400)

First thing when we (my wife was with me) walked in we were handed a nice 5-count travel humidor sponsored by Mirus Financial Partners that had 4 LFD cigars in it. Next item we were handed were two tickets each for a free sample of scotch and wine (nice little added bonus). Last but not least, Kyle (LFD Rep) handed us a ticket for a drawing they were doing at the end of the evening for some door prizes. Like I said above, your shop may do things differently. After this we got to sit around and talk with the other guys and gals that bought tickets while smoking cigars (wife smoked cigarettes, blech) and waiting for the food to be served. I almost forgot, I grabbed the LFD Mystery Cigar from the humidor and lit it up at this point.

Food (600x400)

Started off with a nice salad and then they brought out what you see above, a nice chunk of prime rib just waiting to meet my fork. It was amazing. I asked people about the food and everybody seemed to love it. Smoking more of the LFD Mystery Cigar while waiting for dessert.

Dessert (600x400)

I have to thank my male model, Brad, for giving everyone a good look at how much people enjoyed the Creme Brulee. I will be upset if any fashion designers steal him away as he has been in every photo from event with Genuine Tobacco. Stay with us Brad!

I did not partake in the Creme Brulee as I never really cared for it but as you can see above, people were enjoying it. Still smoking the LFD Mystery Cigar but I have had to relight like 5 times so far due to eating, talking and taking pics so I am not getting a real good read on it. It is a bit on the strong side for me but I am soldiering on.

Winners (600x400)

After all the dishes have been cleared away, Kyle and Stephen decided it was time to draw for some door prizes. They had hats, samplers and even an entry for a chance to win a trip to the LFD factory in the Dominican Republic. Of course, I won nothing (Really, don’t give me money for a casino or 30 seconds later it would be lost) but the winning stars are pictured above (except one who seems to have not gotten in the picture but I have him in the picture montage below). I kept up with the LFD Mystery Cigar after relighting at least another 3 times but it started getting pretty harsh in the last third so I had to let it go before nubbing it. Strong cigar but relighting so many times has an effect on a cigar and normally it isn’t for the better.

There you have it, a typical cigar dinner. I hope you can all go enjoy one at your local shop sometime or if you do not have a shop that does them, you can stare at the pictures below, click your heels three times and wish yourself to be there with all of us.

Till next time, keep smokin’

I am just me.

7 thoughts on “Cigar Dinner with LFD

  1. Isnt this site about cigar reviews? Why does anyone car about you promoting genuine tobacco and a cigar dinner. People come to this site for valuable content not pictures of people eating. This site used to be a wealth of information but lately not so much. Mike you publish videos just to hear yourself talk there is no content to them. Get back to doing reviews about cigars and not about how your prime rib was.

    1. Thank you for your sincerity.

      I will promote my local home shop as long as they continue to provide excellent pricing and service. Do not be jealous as your local shop could do the exact same thing.

      People come to this site to read and watch cigar reviews but also people tend to like the idea of covering events. A cigar dinner is an event that there might be a lot of people who do not get to go to one and were curious as to what to expect. I admit, it wasn’t an exciting writeup but this is what a cigar dinner is. We also get people from all over the world who do not get to experience things like this in their countries and appreciate getting to take a look.

      This site is still a wealth of information. Just because we either do not have new cigars to review or have busy lives where the reviews are not getting done as quickly, we have one of the best indexes out there, if not THE best, that we continue to get hits on from all over the world.

      I like to hear myself talk, it is true, as for no content to them, you sure are mad about something aren’t ya? Local shop owner pissed I have a home shop? Friend of another shop owner? Think long hair is the devil’s sign?

      I have to say, telling me to get back to doing reviews (by the way, thank you for giving me your permission because you are a wonderful boss who pays me so well….oh wait) is pretty sad since the sentence before you tell me I have no content in my reviews, so why would you want to see another cigar review from me?

      Everything done on StogieReview is done by the contributors on their own time and at their own cost. If you do not like that, then I am sorry for you but you could always start paying us all a salary and mandate a schedule of reviews to be done or then you could fire us. Just make sure those salaries will compensate for people working because that is only fair.

      I think you should lobby Walt to fire me!

      Thank you for watching my reviews just to make sure there is no content in them! Personally, I only watch Jerry’s cause he’s cute.


      P.S. If you are ever in Columbia, PA you should stop by Genuine Tobacco and check out the great selection and pricing. Heck, you may be able to buy a ticket for a cigar dinner!

  2. For what it’s worth Mike, I enjoyed the cigar dinner review! You guys do an excellent job doing what you do. Though I enjoy the video reviews more than written, I still find enjoyment of the written reviews. Some, like Brian Hewitt’s are very humorous! Keep up the great job Mike, and Stogie Review in general!

  3. Attn: James

    Stogie Review is not a job for Mike and the boys….they don’t get paid and they don’t have investors or boses that they have to answer to. This website is a labour of love that they have given to us because they enjoy cigars and the entire lifestyle and wish only to share that world with us. The beauty of that relationship between them and us is that they actually owe us nothing…’s all gravy brother….you don’t pay for this….this isn’t a service that costs you or I anything. When you complain about the content and insult the author it’s like slaping a cigar out of the outstretched hand of a fellow BOTL who has offered you something from his private stash simply because the cigar he has offered you doesn’t suit your palate. You are ignorant and ungrateful and if you speak to Mike in that tone again I will remove my leather glove and slap your face sir!

  4. mike thanks for this article or whatever you want to call it. this is the kind of thing we dont have out in the boonies where im at so im grateful to read about it. Sounds stupid i know but alot of times i watch reviews on here as im smoking a cigar and its almost like we are sharing a common hobby together (sorry if that sounds stupid or corny) so keep things like this and cigar reviews coming.

  5. Don’t let the troll rattle your cage my friend. Cigar dinners are not just an excuse to sit down and eat. They promote the manufacturers who typically sponsor them as well as getting the shop regulars engaged and gives them something that they feel like a part of. They are popular in the North East and I enjoy hearing about and attending them as much as I do a cigar review. And events are an important part in keeping our industry alive and thriving so that we have cigars to review in the first place.

    And just as was already indicated, Mike doesn’t owe anyone anything. This is done on his time and his dime.

    Keep up the good work guys! Much respect.

    Mickey Blakes
    Southington, CT

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