Author: Brian Hewitt

enjoying cigars since 1997

Caldwell Blind Man’s Bluff Robusto

I’m switching things up again this week. My schedule made it difficult to set aside the time it takes to do a video, so I thought I’d borrow a page from Ben’s book do a written review. Or is that steal a page? I’m also swiping most of his format for this review as well. […]

Week in Smoke

Brian’s The Week In Smoke, Issue 109

It’s once time again for another issue of Brian’s The Week In Smoke. In case this is your first Week in Smoke, be advised that it covers many (though not necessarily all) of the cigars I’ve smoked in the past week (or the past month, or however long it has been since the last issue), […]

Reviews Videos

Partagas Ramon y Ramon Maxim Grande

There are a number of reasons to review the Partagas Ramon y Ramon. To begin with, we haven’t yet. That is generally reason enough. Then there’s the whole regenerated vintage tobacco thing. That’s also interesting. But the real reason I’m lighting up the Ramon y Ramon this week is that I won a box on […]

Pairings Week in Smoke

Brian’s The Week In Smoke, Issue 108

Thanks to some poor lifestyle decisions made by a younger Brian and the present day dental consequences, I haven’t been able to enjoy that many cigars over the past week. So how can you post a new Week in Smoke? Asks the reasonable reader. Easy, is my response, these are all smoking visualization exercises, what […]

Events Videos

General Cigar Factory Tour 2017 Part 2

Now that we’ve explored the farm, and gotten an in-depth look at the long, involved process tobacco goes through on it’s way to becoming a cigar, it’s time for photogenic part of the tour. The part everyone thinks about when they hear “cigar factory tour” – the bunching, rolling and packaging of the finished product. […]


A Trip to the Farm with General Cigar 2017

Just over two weeks ago (it seems like so much longer than that now), Ben and I spent several days touring General Cigar’s facilities in the Dominican Republic. Our first stop was the farm. It makes sense, that’s where it all begins. To kick things off, Régis Broersma, the president of General Cigar officially welcomed […]

Pairings Week in Smoke

Brian’s The Week In Smoke, Issue 107

Man, that week went by quickly. It seems like I had barely enough time to finish a cigar or two before I was staring down the barrel of another Monday. But I’ve gotten in a few sticks in since the annual top ten lists went up. So… It’s once time again for another issue of […]

Reviews Top Cigars of the Year

The Box-Worthies: Brian’s Top 10 Cigars of 2016

2017 is here, and just when you think it you’re safe from 2016, up pops my list of the top 10 cigars of 2016. I hope the sudden shock and inevitable controversy that follows is not too taxing on your health. Remember, breath deeply and evenly when you’re yelling at me over the internet. Stress, […]

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