Your Questions, My Answers. Episode 8

Your Questions, My Answers10 Comments on Your Questions, My Answers. Episode 8

Your Questions, My Answers. Episode 8

Part 1

Part 2

enjoying cigars since 2005

10 thoughts on “Your Questions, My Answers. Episode 8

  1. great episode walt, well done for holding it all together while jerry has his problems and brian not being able to make it. i sincerely hope jerry is ok and things get better for him and his family. quick question walt, im going on holiday and i only have a desktop humidor. is it ok to travel with my cigars in my humidor? or do i have to make special arrangements?

  2. Matt,

    Thanks 🙂

    You might be better of using a tupperware container (plastic food container) that has a tight seal. This will be a little more durable in case things get banged around a bit during travel (wouldn’t want the humidor to get dented up or easily popped open for an extended period of time.)

  3. Thanks again, Walt.
    I’ll keep some of those ideas in mind.
    Also Do you know of any good websites
    where I can order some cigar beads?

  4. Thanks for another great Q&A episode Walt! Glad to see you holding down the fort with Brian and Jerry being unavailable, I think you were able to cover a lot of ground. We all appreciate the extra efforts you have been putting in to keep things going strong in Jerry’s absence, and wish him and his family well during these hard times.

  5. Awesome job Walt! Jerry always says how important you are to the site.

    Jerry – Hope your father-in-law is doing well!

  6. Just watched this episode for the first time. Nice job! Only one funny blooper at the end… “Well, thats about it for episode 8 of my questions, your answers.” ;-P

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