Sorry for the delay on Episode 12. I am currently editing all three videos together. I am trying something new with the editing. I think everyone will like it. I expect to have the editing finished this evening and it should be avaiable late Monday or early Tuesday.
UPDATE: I finished the editing and started the render process and headed off to bed. When I got this morning, I had an error that I ran out of hard drive space. So I cleaned up some room and hit the render again before I left to work. Will be posted this evening. Working with 3 one hour video files is a lot of work. Thank you for your understanding.
How can this statement have a 2.3 rating already when the video is not even out yet? Dang, tough audience LOL!!
lol, thats what I was thinking
it has a 2.3 rating BECAUSE the video isnt out yet. im very excited for it though! when is it coming out?