Quelling Cigar Misconceptions: Part 2

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Quelling Cigar Misconceptions: Part 2

In a previous article entitled “Cigar Misconceptions: Which one would you do away with?”, we were all reintroduced to common cigar related myths and misconceptions that we have all heard one time or another. In fact, there was most likely a time in our past when we spread some of these fallacies ourselves.

In each part of this Quelling Cigar Misconceptions series, I would like to shed some light on some of the most common myths and misconceptions. I hope that we can all learn a little and help those that are not aware.

Misconception: Only guys should smoke cigars.
Submitted by Lisa of Her Humidor

Having known my fair share of women that could do anything a man could do, lets focus more on the misconception that only guys smoke cigars. This is something I am sure we have all heard at one point in time or another. To be honest, I can see how a woman smoking a cigar may seem a bit odd. After all, I know very few (in my personal life) that smoke cigars.

The fact of the matter is that once you open your eyes to the word around you, women cigar smokers become more and more common and have been for some time. Coincidentally I just recently read Nat Sherman’s: A Passion For Cigars written by Joel Sherman (Published 1996). Within the pages of the book the author makes note of the George Sands Smoking Society, an all women smoking society, in Santa Monica, California. In The Connoissuer’s Book of the Cigar by Zino Davidoff (Published 1969) many recommendations, although a bit sexist, are made for women smokers.

Fast forward to today and you could easily find yourself on the website of a female cigar smoker or entrepreneur.

Women smokers on the web

    Fumee World
    This is an e-commerce site run by Heather Waibel Haddad, a female smoker which has spent long hours fighting against an unfair tobacco tax in California by standing up against Prop 86.

    Her Humidor
    This is a cigar review website run by Lisa (who also submitted this misconception). Lisa does an excellent job of putting her cigar thoughts into words for all to enjoy, male and female alike.

    Women who Smoke Cigars and the Men Who love them
    This is kept up to date by Damsel. On this site you will find plenty of information on the cigar industry and the influence that women have on it.

    Cigars 4 Women
    This is a social network put together by Damsel where the focus is creating a thriving community where female smokers can enjoy themselves among the company of other women.

    The Association of Women Cigar Smokers
    This is a non-profit organization created by Heather Waibel Haddad to help the cigar industry better cater to women and also help support women cigar shop owners.

    The Humidour Cigar Shoppe
    This is the website for The Humidour located in Timonium, Maryland. The store is owned by a very nice woman named Finnie. Not only does she run a beautiful shop, she has an incredibly turnout of women at her events. While hanging out at an event I was able to meet some very nice people, men and women. My guess would be that for every four men, there was one woman in attendance (and this was no small turnout by any means)

The next time you hear someone say that only men smoke cigars, you can help educate them on all of the women cigar smokers that you are now aware of.

Read more from this series

Quelling Cigar Misconceptions: Part 1
Quelling Cigar Misconceptions: Part 3

enjoying cigars since 2005

2 thoughts on “Quelling Cigar Misconceptions: Part 2

  1. Good article Walt.

    It made me think of a time awhile back, when Ed and I were trying to pick out flavors in a cigar. Then my wife lit up the same cigar, and immediately picked out each flavor in minutes (she doesnt smoke cigars).

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