IPCPR Interview with David Blanco of Los Blancos Cigars

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IPCPR Interview with David Blanco of Los Blancos Cigars

On Day 2 of the IPCPR trade show we had the opportunity to sit down and speak with David Blanco of Los Blancos Cigars. David went into discussion of the new cigar as well as their best seller.

I want to say thank you to David for being to generous with his time. Without hesitation he put business aside and turned his attention to us and I can’t thank him enough for that.

MP3 Version: Right Click > Save As

enjoying cigars since 2005

6 thoughts on “IPCPR Interview with David Blanco of Los Blancos Cigars

  1. Any chance we can get a run down of the conversation? I couldn’t clearly hear most of it.


  2. Doc,
    After the show I’ll try to type up some shorthand notes to go along with the video. There was alot of conversation around us and I still haven’t picked up an external mic.

  3. Hey, that was a cool interview. I’ve never heard of Los Blancos but since they seem so consumer friendly, I’ll remember them now and try and find a few of their cigars to sample.

  4. I’d like to ditto Dave’s remark. After watching Walt’s video recap of day 2, hearing that there are some brands/companies that don’t have time for the press, I’m sincerely turned off. Walt was decent enough to not name them, but what we can take from the info gather here at SR is which brands DO take customer service seriously, which brands are about the cigars and not necessarily just about the bottom line and ‘sell sell sell’.
    I’ll seek out some Los Blancos just because of this video.
    I hope this gets back to David and those other guys that don’t have time for us lowly consumers.

  5. Thanks Walt! It is a bit tough to hear so I’m looking forward to a written transcript. I guess Jerry wouldn’t leave his spiffy camcorder? 🙂

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