Stogie Review Update

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Stogie Review Update

The purpose of this update is to help keep everyone in the loop as to a recent change on Stogie Review. A few weeks back, Jerry went ahead and started checking out a new video service. The service is called Viddler and is a fairly young.

After playing with it for a bit he decided to switch over and use Viddler as a main service for his videos. I decided to give it a a try as well. and as a result of us both liking the service very much, we have decided to use it here on the front page.

The only people that will be affected by this change are myself and Jerry. The Show Player will remain exactly the same, as will our iTunes feed and MP3 files. The change comes in the form of the videos displayed on this and future posts.

The cool thing about Viddler is the option to leave a comment directly on the time line. This requires you to sign up for a free account at Viddler. Once your account is created, you can comment directly onto a portion of the video. We can also set markings on the time line so that you can quickly jump to parts of the video you would like to see.

An example of this was on the videos for Your Questions, My Answers (YQMA) Episode 37. Each question was broken down within the video so that you could skip directly to the ones that interested you most.

So in summary, we have switched out video players for right here on the front page. I hope you enjoy using the new player as much as we do.

enjoying cigars since 2005

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