This is our eighth, of thirteen, prizes being given away for our First Annual Stogie Review 12 Days of Christmas. The prize is a box of Jameson Cigar Co. Black Labels with Pocket Humidor. The Box of cigars are signed by Brad Mayo, President of Jameson Cigars. To enter this contest, all that was required was that you send in a cigar related photo in front of Christmas decor.

This Prize Sponsored By Jameson Cigar Co.

Smoking a Nub under a Palm Tree
I’d like to thank Jameson Cigar Company…I hope being associated with my ugly mug won’t cost them too many future sales…
I’d like to thank Walt, Jerry and Brian…the 3 guys who have made it cool to watch cigar reviews via the net at all hours of the day…(and you too Tom)
And finally, I’d like to thank the entire gang at the Stogie Reveiw Fan Forum….when your friends don’t smoke…find cyber friends who do.
Praise Buddha
Congrats Al.