IPCPR 2011: Day 2 Digest

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IPCPR 2011: Day 2 Digest

As you may have noticed, Stogie Review coverage of IPCPR 2011 seems a little slow today. It may seem that way on the surface, but let me assure you that Jerry and Brian have been hard at work filming interviews and trotting about the convention center.

While yesterdays focus was on quick videos to let our fans see the convention center through the eyes of our lens, today was all about quality video footage. Those videos will be posted in the coming days. In the meantime, check out some of the cool things that Brian stumbled onto and though TwitPic worthy.

Brian’s Twitter Updates:

  • Not a lot of twitpics today, I know, but we’re killing it with interviews. 25 gigs of video, 2 gigs of sound. #ipcpr
  • Interviews w/ La Palina, Torano, Casa Fernandez, Room 101, La Caridad Del Cobre, Jameson, Casa Gomez & La Tradicion Cubana up soon. #ipcpr
Posts from Last Night:
Posts from Twitter:

IPCPR 2011 - My Father Special Edition Humidor
Check out this clever new special edition humidor from My Father Cigars. #ipcpr

IPCPR 2011 - Alec Bradley Black Market
New @alecbradley black market. #ipcpr

IPCPR 2011 - Viaje Harvest Packaging
viaje late harvest lh 64b. Packaging inspired by wine boxes. #ipcpr

IPCPR 2011 - La Palina Vintage Swag
Some vintage la palina swag. #ipcpr

IPCPR 2011 - La Tradicion Cubana - Teclas
La Tradicion Cubana “Teclas” piano box, box-pressed torpedo. #ipcpr

IPCPR 2011 - Viaje Skull and Bones - Sizes
viaje skull and bones little boy and fat man. #ipcpr

enjoying cigars since 2005

3 thoughts on “IPCPR 2011: Day 2 Digest

  1. Let Andre know I’ll be happy to taste test a box of those Skull & Bones. One box of each size so I can get a proper perspective!

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